A poem called felling positive

Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,844 Championing
A  poem called felling positive 
Positive is running through my veins.
There is no shame in taking your time with your passion
I also lay my fears to one side.
I never shied away from a challenge. 
I raise and surprise myself each day.
As I tick each small milestone off with my pen
I feel like 10 every day.
As I stay focused on reaching my milestone
I have shown my Cerebal Pasly not going to stop me from reaching my potential.



  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Thanks for sharing this with us @Globster. Really empowering as always. Keep reaching for your potential!  :)
  • RobthePoet
    RobthePoet Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    @Globster did you mean felling or feeling? to be honest both work for me lol
  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,844 Championing
    @L_Volunteer Thank you kind words on the poem 
    @RobethePoet I complete meant put feeling from for spotting my mistype I appreciate scope online community  moderators would please change the word feeling please