Our situation

Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering
Hi! I DO hope this comes across as a positive post, and not at all gloating at the lives of others. 

My wife and I have been married for over 15 years now. We were lucky enough to find each other on a web forum like this, in 2001. We found that we had the same disability and got talking. We dated for about 4 years before becoming engaged and marrying.

Our disabilities are similar and in some ways, complimentary. We support each other when the other is unwell (which is fairly usual!) and get on with whatever life throws at us.

Life is what you make it, and sometimes something wonderful come in, just when you think nothing much will happen!


  • Leo_Aces
    Leo_Aces Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 104 Contributor
    What a heartwarming love story @Siwheels73. Thanks for sharing 😊 This will give many people hope of finding a similar situation 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    It's lovely to hear a positive story @Siwheels73 :) I'm glad you found each other!
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Thanks for sharing @Siwheels73 it's great when you can find someone who can 'compliment' the way you are with the way they are, as you say :)
  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering
    Thanks, @Alex_Scope. I really appreciate your comment.