Summer Solstice

Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
edited June 2022 in Coffee lounge
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing as well as they can. Have been a member a while but this is my first post.

Had a good day today so as usual tried to cram everything I hadn’t done in and wonder why I’m in bed early and in pain. I have been taught pacing for years but still hasn’t sunk in! Duh😂

Just wondering if anyone else will be celebrating the Summer Solstice next week? 🌞



  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Hi @Padraig welcome, I don't really celebrate the summer solstice. What do you do to celebrate
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Well as a Pagan it is an important day for me. My faith is in Mother Earth and nature my church. So I will be getting up early for the sun rising(or usually awake as I’m an insomniac!)  Having a simple breakfast and lighting particular coloured candles on my alter and spending as much time pain allows outdoors. Then a special homemade meal with my loved ones in the evening followed by time contemplating my gratitude for the things I have despite my disabilities, a roof over my head, food, a firm bed, good health support, my partner, son and small circle of friends.

    I used to travel miles to sacred places to celebrate with others and found deep joy in it. Now serenity is home made! However, I managed to spend four days in a Yurt in the middle of a wood at a Shamanic retreat last summer and going to a similar event in August, health permitting.

    It will make my day if a noisy crow or raven crosses my path and stops to look and squark at me. I know they are special message carriers, if only I knew what the message was! I find immense joy in these simple things. They help remind me that life is worth living even or perhaps especially because of my limitations and slower pace of life now, it provides me a simple framework and faith. Just because I don’t have a career anymore, own a house, good health, there is still so much to enjoy when I take the time to look.

    Bright Blessings of love and light Sandy🌞💚☘️
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Ahh OK, sounds fun for you. 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Morning @Padraig that sounds very deep and meaningful for you.
    I am not a Pagan but i am a lover of nature, i love my garden and i used to love my country walks,
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Padraig :) It's good to hear from you!

    I enjoyed hearing about your summer solstice plans. I don't think I've ever done anything to mark it, but it sounds as though you have a lovely day planned. What do you think you'll have for your homemade meal?

    I hope that your pain levels are more manageable today, and that you managed to get a good night of sleep. 
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Hi Sue, being outside, whatever the weather is one of my few joys. I lost my house due to little income and was devastated at the time. But looking back it was in some ways a blessing it was on a very busy road in centre of town. I’m now in a small housing association place on the edge of a village with a nature reserve literally on my doorstep and a canal 500m away. So if I can’t get out I have a bench outside with cushions all the dog walkers know me and that’s my social life! It was a great place to bring up my son and I wouldn’t have been able to have my cat in other place. 

    Seems even the worst situations can have a glimmer of hope in them if you can find it!
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Hi @Padraig, I too lost my house some thirty plus years ago and it was an awful experience, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. It caused me a great deal of anxiety not least because I had to let my two lovely dogs go to new homes because we needed to rent and they wouldn’t allow pets. 

    However, as you say, there was a positive side to all of it. A new start in a new small town and we were helped with our rent of course as I was unemployed. Things started to look up and we were quite happy having let it all go so to speak. So I agree, Sometimes these things are a blessing in disguise. 

  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Hi Tori, usually like to have a sharing meal where things are passed round everyone. But my son loves our Quorn and mushroom homemade pie complete with porcelain blackbird bursting out the middle!

    Ive had a slow day and early night as the change of plan is to have a picnic at Avebury (sort of sister site to stonehenge) not looking forward to 30 - 40 mile car drive but I have plenty of pillows and painkillers. I’m always being told to pace myself, as it should be. But it’s worth crashing for a couple of days to have a picnic in the sunshine with my family at this wonderful ancient site.

    Pain and sleep was better last night thank you! 

    Hope your able to get in the garden and catch some of this beautiful day.
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Hi LeeCal, a similar path my friend, mine was about 25 years ago.  I really struggled with no longer being able to work, not just the money but the routine and enjoyment. Plus I admit there was a lot of foolish pride dented by not being the breadwinner anymore which went on for years. On the plus side I took on the homebody role and got to build the most beautiful bond with my son which I would not have had being a travelling trainer away most of the time.

    love the quote, might have to borrow that!👍
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    I was so touch to read about your past traumas and your new lives @leeCal @Padraig the amaizing thing about it is you were both lucky to find yourselves in a better place - it's as if it was ment to be xx
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Thanks @SueHeath. I’m certainly not where I planned to be in life! But without my disabilities I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I am certain it has made me a more tolerant and understanding person than I would have been otherwise.
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    It’s here! Happy Summer Solstice to one and all. 🌞🌞🌞

    Started the day with thoughts and prayers looking out across the garden with a magnificent dawn chorus from our feathered friends! Back to bed for a snooze. Must remember to pace myself! Friends and family think I’m nuts to over do it but every now and then it’s worth it to feel alive and fulfilment. You don’t have to be Pagan to enjoy the beauty of nature and the sunshine on the longest day!
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Happy Summer Solstice to you @Padraig and what a lovely day it's going to be - enjoy x
  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    I`m not a pagan, but I will be celebrating the solstice for very different reasons: I`ll be celebrating that the days start getting shorter which means the nights start getting longer.  That means nights of comfortable sleep are returning.
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Hi @Cartini

    Hello Andy,
      I’m sorry to hear that this time of year causes you sleep problems. Is it because of the light or heat? I empathise as I have sleep issues as well. Nothing like adding sleep deprivation on top of a disability. Mine seems to not be affected by the time of year but by overdoing it causing pain or from stress. Sometimes there doesn’t even appear to be a reason I just don’t sleep for 3 to 5 days then crash.

    At least you have a countdown now to more suitable sleeping.👍

    best wishes

  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Hi @SueHeath,

    Thank you for your kind words. I had a fabulous day, the best in a long time! Paying for it a bit today but with a smile!😆

    I hope you managed to get out into your garden and enjoy the sunshine. 🌞

    Pad x 💚☘️
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    We suffer the cause @Padraig i day of happiness followed by one day of rest - wouldn't have it any other way.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hello all! Happy Monday. How are we all doing today? Hopefully, you are all doing well but if you need anything, you know where we all are  :)
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    How are you doing @Padraig? Okay I hope, recovered from your summer solstice trip?
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    Hi@leecal . I’m still paying for it a bit nearly a week later but it was worth it. It was a glorious day with lovely people. I had a chance to have some quality conversations with my son who is usually away at Uni. I walked quite a bit further than usual without pain on the day, probably because I was so excited! But the fatigue and stiffness afterwards! But back to normal now thanks - whatever normal is! Lol

    How is life with you at the moment? I tried looking at your profile but it’s private. I don’t know how to send a friends request.