PIP renewal question

chronicallyill1990x Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hello, I am currently doing my pip renewal document. I’m completing it as if its a new claim as I’ve read thats what to do. In the interview though, will the assesor be like ‘when you applied in 2019 you said it was like this and now it is like this’, or will it just be based on how my conditions are now.

For example in 2019 I couldn’t prepare my food as the smells made me feel sick but now I cannot prepare the food as I am too weak to chop etc so its a different reason but same marking criteria. Do I focus on just the new reason or will the old reason be brought up? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,457 Championing
    They will ask you questions related to how you are now. When filling out the form you should give a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.
    Include detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were.
    Just telling them you can't do an activity isn't enough.
  • chronicallyill1990x
    chronicallyill1990x Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    They will ask you questions related to how you are now. When filling out the form you should give a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.
    Include detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were.
    Just telling them you can't do an activity isn't enough.
    Thanks for your reply. So if I just write how I am now and how I find each task now they will refer to that and not ‘well before you said it was this and now it is this’ as routines etc have changed 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,457 Championing
    This is a review so it's all about how you are now and not how you were for your current claim. ON the review form, it asks you how you manage that acitvity now, not how you managed it previously.
  • chronicallyill1990x
    chronicallyill1990x Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    This is a review so it's all about how you are now and not how you were for your current claim. ON the review form, it asks you how you manage that acitvity now, not how you managed it previously.
     in a renewal assesment interview would they just ask questions on what I have written in this renewal and not information I wrote last time? as it also says ‘how have things changed’ but I find it a bit complicated to say ‘things have changed like this ___’ as I don’t want to refer to what I wrote before. so rather than referring to how things were before vs now, if I just wrote it as if it was a new claim would that be ok? and then in an assesment would they just ask questions on what I have written in this renewal and not information I wrote last time?

    Thank you so much
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,457 Championing
    You treat it as a new claim and you don't need to tell them how you were previously because that would just complicate things. During the assessment they would ask you how your conditions affect you now and not how they affected you previously.