Pip review

Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
I’m so fed up and unset I’ve cried all day
 I got my pip review letter today. 
So I then phoned citerzins advice for help to fill my form in and I was told they aren’t doing face to face appointments but they could help me by telling me what to right on the on the form. I just bust out crying because this is something I can’t do I’ve got cerebral palsy I really struggle with writing things down and do not understand forms 
I also wouldn’t understand what he was telling me to write luckily a friend going to help me do this 

I really don’t understand why I even have to go through this process again I was born with cerebral palsy I’m going to die with it all I’ve ever done is fight to prove I’m disabled 
why are we still living in a world that makes me feel like I’m stupid  and useless and why does trying to get the benefits I need make me feel like I’m a scrounger 😭


  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    CAB are helping me and my friend is going to fill my form in for because Cab are only doing phone calls and not face to face appointments 
    why do I need to treat it like a new claim 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Cplife said:
    why do I need to treat it like a new claim 

    Because all claims should be treated this way. I’m not sure why you would treat any other way. 
    Even though it’s a review you can’t just assume that everything will be ok. You will likely need another assessment because most people have them. 
    When filling out the form you should include a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you. 
    Give detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. 

  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    The form asks for anything that may have changed since your last claim and they don’t want anything information you sent before I have got new information to give to them and I’m sure the CAB will be able to help me. 😃
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Cplife said:
    The form asks for anything that may have changed since your last claim and they don’t want anything information you sent before I have got new information to give to them and I’m sure the CAB will be able to help me. 😃

    This is related to evidence you sent with your previous form. It doesn't mean you still shouldn't treat it as a new claim. There's lots of threads over on the PIP section that you can take a look at.
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Thanks Poppy I didn’t realise I had to have another medical  assessment 
    the last one was horrible I was told my anxiety wasn’t bad enough because I didn’t cry they took my mobility off me I asked them to reconsider and I was awarded it 😀
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The majority of people have assessments even for reviews. This is the very reason you should treat it as a new claim. By doing this, you're giving yourself every chance of having a paper based assessment, which is rare but possible.
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Poppy do I send them old evidence too even though it tells me not to 😀
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    If the evidence states exactly how your conditions affect you then yes, send it. Those real world examples i mentioned above will be the best evidence you can send.
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Thanks again poppy I’ll put in as much evidence in as I can your help is much appreciated 😀
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    I'm glad you've been able to receive some helpful advice @Cplife :) 

    I'm sorry that you've been quite upset over your review, though it's totally understandable. How are you feeling today? 
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    I’m really still upset and have cried a lot to day I’m just hoping it’ll all goes ok
    will just have to see what happens thanks for asking Tori 😊
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Is the friend that's helping you with the forms able to offer you some emotional support @Cplife

    Letting it all out can sometimes be helpful, but I'm sorry you've been teary again today. Is there anything you can do that usually helps you to keep calm or take your mind off of things when you need a break? 
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Yes she’s my best friend more like a sister  to me so blessed to have her in my life 😀
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Aww, she sounds wonderful @Cplife and it sounds like you have a really positive relationship with your best friend  :)
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    If the evidence states exactly how your conditions affect you then yes, send it. Those real world examples i mentioned above will be the best evidence you can send.
    Just wanted to say a big thank you for your help and support I got my pip renewed until October 2028
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 467 Empowering
    Wonderful news if u don't mind me asking what date did your review start.

    I have tried to see the dates on thread but I can't seem to manage to see the date of the OP.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Cplife said:
    If the evidence states exactly how your conditions affect you then yes, send it. Those real world examples i mentioned above will be the best evidence you can send.
    Just wanted to say a big thank you for your help and support I got my pip renewed until October 2028

    That's great news! you're welcome! :)
    Binky1234 said:
    Wonderful news if u don't mind me asking what date did your review start.

    I have tried to see the dates on thread but I can't seem to manage to see the date of the OP.

    Thread was started on 23rd June 2022.
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 467 Empowering
    Thanks Poppy123456
  • Cplife
    Cplife Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    @Binky1234 The DWP sent me a text to say they had received my forms on the 20th of July and I got the good news around the 17th of October
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 467 Empowering
    @Cplife thank you so much.

    The reason I asked is my review was sent away in July, a whole year before my award date. The waiting is horrendous as you know.

    I know everyone is different I'm just looking at timeframes.

    Again well done on your award so pleased for you.