Pip change in circumstances

finklewinkle Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited July 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi i recently sent my application firm to pip for change in circumstances as my symptoms have got worse.my symptoms fluctuate so i am not always as bad everyday i have days where i am more able to do things but can go weeks or months where im either house boubd or stuggling physical ir mentally so due to my mental ilness i am so so anxious since i sent my claim iff as i have been paranoid ever since thinking i am being watched etc and i am worried if i was being watched they would see me on days where i am more capable and they think i am lying and i am making myself ill due to this.i did state on my claim form it fluctuates but I don’t always word things right so now im worrying thinking did i fill it in properly etc as i was told to write it to explain my bad times but i did state i have days or weeks if im lucky where im able.im just getting myself in a right state can i ask for an assessment so i can talk to them so i know they are 100% aware of my situation 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @finklewinkle and well done for reaching out today. I'm sorry that things have been a bit distressing with your PIP lately. 

    Can I ask about the support you're getting for your mental health at the moment?

    If you feel as though you need more support, see if you can speak to your doctor, or your mental health team about your concerns, and ways to help you feel more comfortable.

    Citizens Advice explains it's best to keep a record of your request, so if you haven't, remember as much as you can and write it down.

    Keep a record of the change

    It is a good idea to keep a written record of the fact that you’ve reported the change to the DWP. For example, in case the DWP disagrees that a change has been reported.

    If you report the change by phone, make a note of what you said and when you called. If you write to report the change, keep a copy of the letter. Ask the Post Office for free proof of postage - you might need to show when you sent it.

    Once you let them know about a change of circumstances, if the DWP wants to assess you again, they will send you a new ‘How your disability affects you’ form to complete. You should fill in the form and send it back by the date given on the front page.

    Please do ask if you're still unsure of anything, and let us know if we can help you further.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,453 Championing
    It's very unlikely they will be watching you. They have better things to do than sit outside our homes watching everyone.
    Most people have another assessment when reporting a change so you should expect one of those, which will either be by telephone, face to face or video call. There's quite long backlogs in a lot of areas so you could be waiting serveral months for an assessment.
    I hope you got some expert advice before reporting changes because worsening of symptoms doesn't mean you'll automatically score more points for a higher award.
    Your current award will continue until a new decision's been made on the change of circumstances.
  • finklewinkle
    finklewinkle Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you xxxx
  • finklewinkle
    finklewinkle Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you i get help from cmht and cris team if needs be x i think i just overthink things and create problems when they arnt there 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    I'm glad you've got teams to support you @finklewinkle and that's okay, thanks for explaining that. 

    Being aware that you overthink things is good. Sometimes even when we know why it's happening, we still can't stop, which can be difficult to manage.

    You are always welcome to reach out here and ask any questions you need to, we understand that it's nice to get some reassurance :)