Hi, my name is Nari! My son is now at risk of not having a placement in September

Nari Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited July 2022 in Education and skills
Hi I have son with adhd dyslexia dysgraphia and sensory problems finds it hard to touch paper but he tries hard to study. After 5 stressful years of asking nicely because of trying to maintain good relationship with school , about how support is delivered  just before GCSEs I found out that all of the daily interventions that have a timed and recorded element on EHCP have never been carried out because the Sen department chose what teachers should know to carry out. He wants to stay on to do A Levels but His mock grades were poor I urge anyone to speak to local authority send coordinator asap if they feel support is not right. I didn’t realise parents could do this I did do this in spring 2021….and was referred back to … the school Sen department!!!! Prior to this as early as year 7 I wrote to school governors and headteacher without getting a response other than to maintain my dialogue with the Sen department.  It’s such a fine line to tread. My son is now at risk of not having a placement in September as he only wants to stay at the school.


  • Nari
    Nari Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Yes thank you they were very helpful I sent their template letter to the LA on lack of prescribed provision and lack of information over the 5 years that meant I wasn’t sure I had evidence to state that until recently. The L A are going to talk to the school but even though the school is named in section i they won’t let him carry on with out the right grades. I even paid for a private OT and EP assessment in 2021 and the school never made changes to support from the professionals recommendations, I’ve  Just got everything crossed for him on results day.  Sadly it’s an academy who seems only fixated on grades.Thanks for commenting.
  • thara9643
    thara9643 Posts: 69 Connected
    Nari said:
    Yes thank you they were very helpful I sent their template letter to the LA on lack of prescribed provision and lack of information over the 5 years that meant I wasn’t sure I had evidence to state that until recently. The L A are going to talk to the school but even though the school is named in section i they won’t let him carry on with out the right grades. I even paid for a private OT and EP assessment in 2021 and the school never made changes to support from the professionals recommendations, I’ve  Just got everything crossed for him on results day.  Sadly it’s an academy who seems only fixated on grades.Thanks for commenting.
    Perhaps you need to change schools. I don't know what type of school he is at yet I know that the mainstream schools do not always have the resources that are needed (nor should they) in order to support our special needs kiddos. You may even want to research possible specialist provision or alternatively consider fully homeschooling him. Just a idea that is probably worth thinking about. 

    See if you can find a non main stream school or investigate the educational supplies which are needed in order to homeschool him properly. Definitely seek out a lot more advice and also ask the school to provide you with at least two printed out copies of all of his past school reports too. Keep them in a paper folder at home. Good luck. 

    Make notes. If you can do so, maybe request a urgent meeting at the school in order to really talk about all of your concerns. Tell us a bit more about your child and what he does in class etc. Consider whether he is good or out of control during the lessons. I do not want to be discriminatory (truly) but that important information is required. 

    After reading your post it seems a move is on the cards. But try not to worry or panic yet. I do not want to end this post on a sour note so I’m going to pray for you instead. I hope that you can find a effective solution that works for you. 

  • Nari
    Nari Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank you 
  • thara9643
    thara9643 Posts: 69 Connected
    Nari said:
    Thank you 

    Definitely research other special needs schools. Make a appointment on the phone or via email in order to see the entire place and also discuss your son fully. Try to observe a actual lesson in progress as well. Keep notes on your findings.
    Ask them all about what happens before and after school. If you can, view a complete list of current clubs and pay very close and careful attention to your own gut instinct. Look at a few old formal inspection reports on the website etc but do not base your entire decision on them wholly.
    Obtain copies of his reports to take with you on the day. Interview a handful of parents and try to speak to some of the current pupils to find out a bit more about the school in question. Read far beyond the lines as far as possible.
    You can certainly learn a lot from the school website however ring them up additionally in any case. Be prepared. When watching a lesson, focus on what goes on in the actual classrooms at the school and use that to help you to decide. 
  • Nari
    Nari Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank you.  There’s not many alternatives. Hoping for a different sixth form that will actually support him properly but he will still need grade 4s he is fixated on A Levels.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    You are welcome @Nari. It is the very least you deserve. What would the ideal support look like for him? Wishing you all the best of luck with this  :)