Hi, my name is just4once!

just4once Scope Member Posts: 87 Contributor
Hi I am going through an awful lot of different things I am newly diagnosed with autism always had anxiety and depression I am still awaiting confirmation of cptsd with no on going therapy only over medicated and I am also having to self represent at a big five full days of employment tribunal in Cardiff for disability discrimination unfair dismissal failures to make any adjustments sensory overload with it all it’s me against a big company I need practical help with all this stuff as totally overwhelmed 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @just4once and welcome to the community, well done for reaching out. I hope you have been able to get some sleep since posting.

    I can tell you are feeling overwhelmed by this all, and asking for help is a really positive step. Can you tell me if you've contacted any support organisations such as Citizens Advice, local to you?

    I would encourage you to contact ACAS if you're able to, they have information on disability discrimination at work.

    Another organisation who might be able to help practically is Advice Local, under the employment category.

    Thanks for explaining what support you're receiving for your conditions at the moment, you've mentioned you're "over medicated", have you spoken to your GP about your concerns at all? Is there anyone who could support you with speaking about your medication?

    I hope this is useful for you, and please do say if something doesn't make sense. Keep us up to date with how things get on, and make sure to look after your mental health if you need to- it's okay to take a break :)

  • just4once
    just4once Scope Member Posts: 87 Contributor
    Tried everyone and everywhere social services state I am not eligible for support acas can’t help either neither will the law society I have hit wall after wall  I have to self represent prepare and present evidence bundle do impact statement ect and I don’t have the skills to do this alone asd with ptsd and mounds of paperwork I will also have to fund Cardiff trips when the time comes the only thing I have not done is go to the media with it as don’t want to come across as a money thing it’s about human rights and equality and mental health laws alongside health and safety at work