Abusive neighbour

skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
Hi I need some help please it’s been 4 days i have a neighbour I think she has some mental health issues but she is very angry and hate me she is keep saying I wanna burn your house and kill your children she throw her stuffed at me as well and I have 2 kids one of them is special need child they are so scared to pas her door but she stop us every time and shout at us 
today also she said I’m going to kill your son who is 2.5 years and he is gonna have blood everywhere after that I’ll burn your house and kill everyone.
I called the police and they took her to the hospital but my kids didn’t wanted to come home because they are scared and police said they can’t do anything only they can make report to the hospital and that’s it but they left me without any support and said I need to speak to the council
i cannot sleep from 4 days but todays was so traumatic for me I’m so scared for me and my kids because when she will come back from the hospital she will not leave us because she knew I call police at her please need some advice 


  • Girl_No1
    Girl_No1 Online Community Member Posts: 153 Empowering
    I think the advice the police gave you is the correct advice. 

    You should note down details of everything she said etc. and the police incident number, so that you have these at hand when you contact the council.

    It's possible, if she has diagnosed mental health issues, she will be known to the local mental health team and, potentially, the criminal justice team too as very often people with certain mental health issues find themselves with criminal charges/sentences.

    If you are fortunate, the council/other agencies may choose to rehouse her elsewhere to somewhere she has some level of support etc.

    In the meantime, as I said above the best thing you can do is make notes of what happens, when it happens and detail anyone who witnesses the incident/s.

    In the meantime, perhaps you could have someone stay with you to give you some support until the matter is sorted?  They will also be a witness to whatever threats/behaviour to which you are subjected.

    Hopefully they will find a more suitable place for her and allow you and your children some peace in your home.  
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,786 Championing
    @skhan95 how awful for you and your children, the council might be able to help. I would just keep phoning the police if incidents keep happening.  Hopefully your neighbour gets the right support also.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    What an awful situation @skhan95 - I can only imagine frankly how worrying that must've been.

    Did the police give any advice as to what else you could do?
    It's good that they are involved and hopefully she gets the support she needs so this doesn't happen to you again. I can certainly appreciate if that doesn't make you feel much better at the moment and why you might not feel very safe right now.
    Probably the best thing you can do is keep detailed records of what happens and make sure to contact the police immediately if you feel like you or your children might be in any danger once she comes back.

    It's really worth contacting your council or housing association about it, especially if it's an ongoing issue. At least this way there is a record that you've attempted to make them aware.

    It also couldn't hurt to look at local support services who specialise in supporting victims after they're the victims of crime.

    Fingers crossed the next few days are a bit calmer for you. But please let us know if there's anything we can do to support you or your family.
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    Thank you so much for being so supportive
    i don’t have family and friends in the Uk they are back home it’s just me and my kids and the neighbour is in hospital but she will come back in few days last night I couldn’t sleep at all I was checking my doors and windows because I’m so scared 😟  Monday I’ll call council and that’s it and after that council don’t care which I’m more sad about :(
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    You are welcome @skhan95. It is the very least you deserve.

    Sorry to hear you don't have family or friends in the UK. It sounds really difficult, especially as you couldn't sleep and you were checking your doors and windows because you were so scared.

    It is really disappointing that you don't feel the council cares. Is there anyone or anything that would help you to feel safer?

    We are here for you, even if that's just a listening ear  :)
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,456 Championing
    Did you manage the call the council on Monday @skhan95
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    Yes I did call the council and they said we will call you after giving the report to the officer but nobody called :(
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,456 Championing
    How frustrating @skhan95 :( Did they provide a timeframe? Would you feel able to chase them, perhaps next week? 
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    I can call them again but what help they can give me I just want to move from here I’m so scared and stressed:(
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    Hy just an update on the problem going on I called the council today they said my housing officer is aware of the situation they will get back to me which they never I’m veryyyyy upset today and lose the hope for our life we are scared and not leaving our home from so many days :(
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @skhan95 I'm sorry to hear the call has made you feel so upset. It's really hard to feel positive when we're not getting as much support as we'd like.

    Was the person on the phone able to give you a timeframe of when they'll be getting back to you? I'm glad the housing officer is aware of the situation.

    I’m veryyyyy upset today and lose the hope for our life we are scared and not leaving our home from so many days 
    It's concerning to hear that you haven't left home. Is there anyone who can help you and your children access everything you need? 

    I know you're in touch with Family Services at Scope, and that the team will be able to support you later this week, but in the meantime please let us know if you feel we can help with anything.