Hi, my name is kittycatkay!

kittycatkay Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited August 2022 in Start here and say hello!
I have been sending sick note in for mental health problems since July 2020 but never been sent for lwca even though I have asked 100 plus times.
I have really bad mental health problems and I lost custody of my first son in Oct 2018 due to my mental health problems and I have been sectioned about 15 / 20 times since 2018 I have been suffering with money and I been receiving universal credit since 2019 and I have always been ill I then [Removed by moderator] trying to kill myself in February 2021 and was in a coma and intensive care after this and was to ill to worry about my benefits I got better and I first got a sick note from my gp in July 2021 and I have tried to end my life loads and in and out of hospital for my mental illness yet inly receiving the standard universal credit and I have to report to the jobcentre every 2 weeks for meetings even though I ask everytime I attend why I don't get sickness pay and need to verrius things but told I'm in the correct money and I will still have to attend the jobcentre or get sanctions.
Then in May 2021 I lost custody of my second son I wasn't even allowed to take him home with me again to mental health yet still told I'm to attend jobcentre.
I only have supervised asscess to my boys even now yet I'm cased as ok for 2 weekly jobcentre impointments it's wrong
Then in March 2022 I had to leave the area I lived due to domestic violence and move to the next big town 25 miles  away and told my jobcentre the reason I couldn't attend but I was told that I must still attend even though I explained I wasn't safe on that area.
I have have suicide attempts due to financial difficulties and trying to live on £190 a month having to get to contact with my boys take all my money I have eating disorders cos I cant afford to eat and I have offen sat in the dark and cold cos I cant afford it
I ask nearly every time I go to jobcentre why I'm not on sick and they say it will be sorted when have assessment but they never ask me to have an assessment even now after I have kicked off about my next work restart referral impointment next week im still told I must attend.
My mental health has been serverly affected and I have been to ill to argue with my work couch and believed I was on right money all thos time I have proof in my journal that I have asked and been fobbed of however now 
I made a complaint I received a letter in my old name (change due to dv)
Sayong I must explain why I didn't attend my lwca even though I have never been sent a letter about attending one.
I have also been informed that I should not have even needed to have the lwca I should have automatic been receiving it after my coma in fed 2020 
Will the pay me back pay please and can I get compensation for the stress and damage caused by this 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    edited August 2022
    Hello there @kittycatkay and well done for reaching out, it sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment and it's causing a lot of distress. I hope you don't mind but I've had to remove a section of your post as it might be triggering or scary to read for other members.

    Can you tell me what support you're getting from your mental health team at the moment, if you have one?

    We'd like to support you as much as we can with this, so keep an eye out for an email from community@scope.org.uk with more information later today.

    Have you requested a mandatory reconsideration on your journal at all?

    Talking about how we're feeling is often helpful, so please reach out to other organisations for support as well, particularly to look after your mental health. We are here to support you, so please let us know if you feel we can help further in any way.
  • kittycatkay
    kittycatkay Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I'm still being assessed again after the area change but I will have a worker soon 
    I haven't had any impointments yet to do a mantoey reconsideration 
    Sent in sickness notes since July 2020 but was in coma in Feb 20 so July wasn't the first illness yet still have jobcentre 2 weeks 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Thanks for sharing this with us @kittycatkay. How are things going for you at the moment? I appreciate it has been a little while since you last posted on this thread now. If we can do anything else to support you please don't hesitate to let us know  :)