Hi everyone. I saw my adviser at my local job centre earlier

BrianMcFaddenfan07 Online Community Member Posts: 262 Empowering
edited August 2022 in Work
she's referring me to the course that my fiance was on, which is called the work health programme. She's given me a leaflet to to read.
It's the same course that my fiance did and they helped him to get a job. 
She said that they can help me to get a job and keep it. 
She also apologised to me n my for my appointment being changed as she was supposed to have left, but she's staying now instead.
The problem with my appointment changeing a lot was because of her manager as she kept changing them as she didn't know about mine n my fiancé's circumstances which is why one was a morning appointment. 
I only have to see my adviser every 3 months and I don't have to see her now until November. She's given me her last appointment of the day too. 
