Returning to work on LCWRA

AimeeT Community member Posts: 36 Listener
edited August 2022 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi everyone, 
I’m currently in receipt of LCWRA. This is for a few reasons but mainly my arthritis. 

I’ve been offered an amazing job, who are understanding about my disability and also allows me to work from home when I need too. 

How will this affect my LCWRA? I was assuming it would just stop, but then I’ve seen information saying as I’ve already been assessed the maximum threshold for earnings wouldn’t apply. I’ve reached out to UC, but as they can take so long I thought I might get some quicker clarity here. 

Also, does anyone know of financial help you can get when you’ve been out of work or on LCWRA to help you return to work? 

Thank you 😊


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    LCWRA doesn't just stop if you return to work. Lots of people work while claiming LCWRA. You will have the work allowance, which means you can earn a certain amount of money before the 55% deductions apply.
    If you claim for help with the rent your work allowance will be £344/month, if you don't then it's £573/month.
    There's no maximum hours you can work while claiming UC. As you've already been found to have LCWRA the maximum earnings before you can be referred for a work capability assessment doesn't apply to you.
    How much UC you're entitled to while working will depend on earnings received during your assessment period. You can use a benefits calculator and put in different figures so you'll have some idea.
    You will need to report a change of circumstances and tell them you've started working. Do be aware though that if the work you do contradicts the reasons why you were found to have LCWRA then it can go against you the next time you're reviewed.
    I'm not aware of any financial help when returning to work.
  • AimeeT
    AimeeT Community member Posts: 36 Listener
    Thank you for the information. It makes a lot more sense now. 

    Do I need to report starting work before I do so, or on the day that my employment begins do you know? 

    It shouldn’t contradict it, as they’ve been great basing my role around my disability, but with the cost of living how it is at the moment it’s definitely more cost effective for me to work and not receive LCWRA if I did lose it then to carry on. I was just worried I might get a month in and realise I can’t do the job and have lost this element and need to reapply.

    thanks again 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Super news about the job @AimeeT, you seem really excited :) How are you feeling about getting started?

    In terms of support in the workplace, have you looked into the Access to Work (ATW) scheme? It's a way for those with additional needs to get the support they need to carry out their role to their full potential.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    AimeeT said:
    Do I need to report starting work before I do so, or on the day that my employment begins do you know? 
    You should report your employment through your UC journal. Do this when you start, not before.
  • AimeeT
    AimeeT Community member Posts: 36 Listener
    Super news about the job @AimeeT, you seem really excited :) How are you feeling about getting started?

    In terms of support in the workplace, have you looked into the Access to Work (ATW) scheme? It's a way for those with additional needs to get the support they need to carry out their role to their full potential.
    I really am, it’s a fantastic role and I would love the opportunity to work again. 
    I haven’t, but I definitely will. My local job centre called today and offered me the Flexible Support Fund for suitable clothing etc to help me transition into work, so that’s handy. But I will look into this now. 
    I can’t wait to start, just hoping things work out. 
    I was also told that I wouldn’t require a reassessment due to my role, so that’s a weight off too 😊 

    thanks for the message 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    That all sounds perfect @AimeeT :) When will you be starting? 
  • AimeeT
    AimeeT Community member Posts: 36 Listener
    That all sounds perfect @AimeeT :) When will you be starting? 
    The 1st of September 😊
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    edited August 2022
    Just a few weeks to go then now @AimeeT :) How exciting!

    Do you mind me asking what kind of work you'll be doing? Don't worry if you'd prefer not to say.