Strange DWP PIP phonecall.

GeordieG Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
Hi, I'm looking for abit help here as I'm really stressing out. I'm on pip and have been for a number of years and my current award runs through until 2023, today, Sunday at 15:30 I received a call and when I answered they said they were calling regarding my pip, totally unannounced call I was not expecting this, plus the caller had a right attitude I thought it was maybes fraudulent so said I don't think you are dwp ringing on Sunday so I'll call myself tomorrow and hung up. Checked the number and it is pip, why are they ringing me out the blue on a Sunday afternoon? Any advice or ideas would be greatly received as this is setting off my mental health and I'm in bits wondering why they've rang me. Thanks for taking your time to read this guys, please help me.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Sometimes they do work weekends, including a Sunday. I couldn't tell you why they were ringing and you'll need to ring them in the morning when they open. I know you asked for advice but there really isn't any to give because i could only guess what the reason is.
  • GeordieG
    GeordieG Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Yeah I understand its a tricky one I just wondered if anyone else had had an unannounced call at anytime when there seemed no reason for one. Thanks anyway though. 
  • HayleyRX
    HayleyRX Online Community Member Posts: 72 Contributor
    edited August 2022
    Yes they can there is quite a few peoples stories I have read where they have had random calls with no appointment. They have started to work weekends to catch up on back logs. I am guessing if they have rang you, they maybe just needed to ask only a few questions. I would ring them back if the call was misunderstood x
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    I hope we have been able to help you @GeordieG. The answer seems to be yes, most broadly! 

    If we can do anything else to help please don't hesitate to let us know. We are all here for you  :)