R.I.P Olivia Pratt - Korbel

MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
Any problems,stress over benefits etc,is nothing compared to what the family of this little girl is going through.

Thoughts and prayers are with her family.


  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
    Yes @woodbine,my thoughts & prayers for Sam Rimmer & Ashley Dale's families too.
  • Oxonlady
    Oxonlady Scope Member Posts: 563 Pioneering
    Hi @MadCow and @woodbine, none of these murders should have happened, society and the police need to get a grip.
    Why, knowing that there is a "criminal fraternity" out there, do we tolerate their existence? Why do decent people have to suffer the consequences of the actions of those who are seemingly content to be criminals? We should not accept decent, ordinary people being "collateral damage" and turn a blind eye to the actions of the criminal few.
    I'm very cross and upset about this because it's also happening a lot in London. Ordinary, decent people should not be expected to accept this situation. Criminal gangs should get the message that they have no place in a civilised society. Instead, they feel all-powerful and try to have their way of life imposed on the rest of us. We don't want it! We don't want our children growing up exposed to this sort of culture and danger. Now what are central, and local government and the police going to do about it? 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    RIP little one this should not of happened to you and your poor family, my heart goes out to them x
  • Karen7788
    Karen7788 Scope Member Posts: 596 Empowering
    A man has just been arrested on suspicion of her murder. 
    My thoughts and prayers remain with her family. 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,836 Championing
    Its the courts also, keep giving stupid sentences, I see it time again. I've also done jury service and seen how the courts don't bother getting evidence. We had to let someone off because of it, even his own solicitor said, the court failed to gather the evidence.
    even tho he was guilty.  Sentences need to get harder.
    Crime rate is at a all time high.
  • Karen7788
    Karen7788 Scope Member Posts: 596 Empowering
    I agree @Sandy_123. People need to feel safe in their own homes and on the streets. Years ago we had a break in when we were all asleep, it was the milkman who alerted the police and we woke up with police in our bedroom. It still gives me the shivers even now, as our children were in bed, but we were lucky that it was only things that we lost. 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    So sad  :( RIP Olivia <3 If anyone wishes to talk about this please don't hesitate. We are all here for each other  :)  
  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
    I agree @Sandy_123, the courts are far too lenient & criminals know this. Unfortunately,I can only see it getting worse, because the punishment does not fit the crime.
  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,759 Championing
    edited August 2022
    so heartbreaking my thoughts and prayers are with her family. 
    RIP Olivia 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    RiP to both who were shot and killed in Liverpool  this is the reason why guns shouldn't be mad legal its bad enough being able to purchase guns on the black market 

    Hopefuly the police will find the people involved and the familys get justice even though it doesn't bring their daughters back