Re: post by Junket

wackpee Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
I have been trying to get PIP for my condition for six years, made three attempts and been rejected. My appeal this time has been heard and ruled in my favour. I applied for this as I am only able to work minimal hours due to chronic illness so the pip money will help support me. I was appalled by Junkets comment that he was going to help a friend out when he gets his back dated pip award. PIP is awarded to help you with your life, not to share with friends. This makes a laughing stock id the whole system and is part of the reason that genuine people get rejected. Shame on you.


  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    I`m sorry, but I fail to see how sharing his back dated PIP award "makes the system a laughing stock" or is the "reason that genuine people get rejected".
    You don`t know his circumstances (just as I don`t).  Maybe the regular award covers what is needed and the "back pay" is surplus, in which case he deserves a pat on the back for considering the plight of a fellow human being.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Welcome to the community @wackpee :) Thanks for joining us. 

    I think I've found the post you're referring to, which seems to be quite a few years old now. I'm sure that people choose to use their PIP money for lots of different things, for lots of different reasons. It can also be difficult to get an idea of someone's full situation, as we only really get a glimpse into their life from posts and comments. I hope that makes sense :) 

    I'm glad to see that your appeal was successful this time around. I bet that's been a weight off of your mind? 

    As you've mentioned only being able to work minimal hours, I'm wondering whether you claim any other benefits? As I'm sure you're aware, PIP isn't about your ability to work, but there are other, work-related, benefits you could look into claiming.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited September 2022
    No idea which thread you are referring to. There are no rules on what you can spend your money on, you can spend it on exactly what you want to. I think it's really nice of that person to want to help their friend. Spending your money this way doesn't mean you're not entitled to PIP.
    The member in question also hasn't been active here since Nov 2019!
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,787 Championing
    PIP backdating is ridiculous anyway.  People apply for PIP because they need cash-flow at the time, not a massive lump sum dumped into their account a year later.

    Mine has caused me more hassle than help because it was only disregarded for one year.  This means that I had 3 times as much money to use in the 12 months after the PIP win than the previous 12 months!  One extreme to the other! 

    The worst part is that if I'd been awarded it initially, and had it to spend monthly at the time, I would have been able to move before Covid and be living in a more suitable place now, most likely be much better off physically & mentally.  But as it is, I'm now stuck with a load of money in the bank and no longer the ability to make use of it.  :(

  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    edited September 2022
    PIP backdating is ridiculous anyway.  People apply for PIP because they need cash-flow at the time, not a massive lump sum dumped into their account a year later.
    I agree completely; PIP should be paid from the point of approval / being granted, not from the date applied for.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Cartini said:
    PIP backdating is ridiculous anyway.  People apply for PIP because they need cash-flow at the time, not a massive lump sum dumped into their account a year later.
    I agree completely; PIP should be paid from the point of approval / being granted, not from the date applied for.
    So you’re saying it should be paid as soon as a claimant rings to start their claim? How would that be possible? 
  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    Cartini said:
    PIP backdating is ridiculous anyway.  People apply for PIP because they need cash-flow at the time, not a massive lump sum dumped into their account a year later.
    I agree completely; PIP should be paid from the point of approval / being granted, not from the date applied for.
    So you’re saying it should be paid as soon as a claimant rings to start their claim? How would that be possible? 
    Hi poppy,
    I didn`t say or mean that.  I meant PIP should only be paid from when the applicant has gone through the process of approval - when the DM has given his / her approval for an award.  If it goes to MR, from that point if approved and likewise for a tribunal
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Cartini said:
    Cartini said:
    PIP backdating is ridiculous anyway.  People apply for PIP because they need cash-flow at the time, not a massive lump sum dumped into their account a year later.
    I agree completely; PIP should be paid from the point of approval / being granted, not from the date applied for.
    So you’re saying it should be paid as soon as a claimant rings to start their claim? How would that be possible? 
    Hi poppy,
    I didn`t say or mean that.  I meant PIP should only be paid from when the applicant has gone through the process of approval - when the DM has given his / her approval for an award.  If it goes to MR, from that point if approved and likewise for a tribunal
    Oh i see, I thought that was what you meant but wasn’t sure, which was why I asked. 
    I completely disagree with you though because it would be very unfair if it was only paid from the date of the decision of an award.  Doing it this way would mean that some would wait a couple of months and others could be waiting more than a year, especially if they request MR or Tribunal. Can’t see the logic in that at all. 

  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    Cartini said:
    Cartini said:
    PIP backdating is ridiculous anyway.  People apply for PIP because they need cash-flow at the time, not a massive lump sum dumped into their account a year later.
    I agree completely; PIP should be paid from the point of approval / being granted, not from the date applied for.
    So you’re saying it should be paid as soon as a claimant rings to start their claim? How would that be possible? 
    Hi poppy,
    I didn`t say or mean that.  I meant PIP should only be paid from when the applicant has gone through the process of approval - when the DM has given his / her approval for an award.  If it goes to MR, from that point if approved and likewise for a tribunal
    Oh i see, I thought that was what you meant but wasn’t sure, which was why I asked. 
    I completely disagree with you though because it would be very unfair if it was only paid from the date of the decision of an award.  Doing it this way would mean that some would wait a couple of months and others could be waiting more than a year, especially if they request MR or Tribunal. Can’t see the logic in that at all. 

    No problem.  You could say that about many things in life, but that`s the way it goes.
    Some people currently do wait longer than others to get the approval for PIP, you (generally, not you personally) can`t get away from that.  It`s the back dated payments that I don`t agree with (nor does overlyanxious).  I doubt we`ll agree on this point, but we can have our views / opinions.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You are right, this is something we'll never agree to and yes, we are all entitled to our opinions. I didn't read overlyanxious's comment in the way you did. I read it as "people need the money when applying not to have to wait X amount of time for it"