My Bio. Will my ESA support group payment be affected if I gain a tax free lump sum?

Roo2436 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
edited September 2022 in Benefits and income
After many years of depression and now finally being diagnosed with complex Ptsd, I am ready to accept what this means.
Almost 55 hoping to gain a tax free lump from money, advise sought now tells me that my esa support group payment which have been a lifeline will be affected. I thought that it was not means tested so I feel like I have Been knocked down again.Does anyone else have similar issues


  • Roo2436
    Roo2436 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    I have been looking to take a tax free sum from a personal pension. 55 in a few weeks. 
    I'm on new style esa support group benefits. 
    I have been advised that anything above £6k will affect my esa. I was under the impression that it was not a means tested benefit, which means the only limit is the avaliable ailable.  
    Can somebody help
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Roo2436 :) It's great to have you on board! Thank you for introducing yourself, and telling us a bit about your situation. 

    Just to let you know, I've merged your two posts together so that all of the information is in the same place.

    We have a page on our website about lump sums and benefits, which you might find helpful to read.

    Getting a new diagnosis can bring about some mixed feelings. Is that something you can relate to?

    Are you receiving enough support to help you manage your depression and C-PTSD?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited September 2022
    What type of ESA are you claiming? Contribution based ESA will not be affected.

    Even if applicable, it depends on how much capital you will have.

    Capital over £16,000 would end any income based ESA entitlement (and Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction too).

    Capital of £6,000 or below is ignored.

    Between £6,000 and £16,000 income based entitlement would reduce.

    You could be getting a mix of income based and contribution based ESA.
  • Roo2436
    Roo2436 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    My esa is I think based on what I have paid in. This is only because I  was told not to feel ashamed of claiming benefits as I have paid a lot in. I was also told that I was placed into an Esa group but would not be required to sign in as I was categorised as unfit to work. I almost completed a year out of work before I was informed I could claim. Went down the UC route but because my wife works 3 jobs we were unable to claim. The only other is Pip just at the higher rate.
  • Roo2436
    Roo2436 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    In reply to your enquiry as to help and support.  The short answer is very little. I'm not a forces veteran so C-ptsd help is hard to get. My care coordinator is trying to help but is drowning in the  amount of cases and the lack of funding.
    I have just been removed from Sertraline 200mg and placed on Trazadone but the side effects were so bad that my family had to call 999. Now I'm stuck, ambulance say I'm suffering from covid, although 2 home tests say negative, the Dr won't see me because of covid risk and my care coordinator is off sick.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited September 2022
    Roo2436 said:
    My esa is I think based on what I have paid in. ..Went down the UC route but because my wife works 3 jobs we were unable to claim. 
    If you applied for UC that would have cancelled any income based ESA claim so that means that any ESA you get is contribution based or new style ESA (depending on when you started claiming). Any capital will not affect that.

    Note however that if you draw a regular pension then your ESA would be reduced by 50% of any pension over £85/week.
  • Sue_Alumni
    Sue_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 484 Empowering
    Good morning @Roo2436 and I see that calcotti has addressed your immediate concern. 

    Am I right in understanding that you had  a severe reaction to Trazadone but could not be admitted to hospital as the ambulance crew thought you were suffering from covid.  How are you at the moment ?  Are you still in limbo or have you been admitted to hospital ? Have you been able to make contact with your care coordinator ? 
    do keep in touch and let us know how you are. 
  • Roo2436
    Roo2436 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Yes you are correct, to compound things today I tried to econsult with the doc. When the question "have you had thoughts of ending your life " At this point it flagged up as contact 101, mental health coordinator or Samaritans. 
    111 unable to deal with calls due to unprecedented numbers, call my doc or Samaritans. 
    Called my AMH unit, not available till 09.00. 
    Desperation now called Samaritans, 12 rings later cut off no answer.
    Paranoid, Anxious, feeling really ill, Not Covid. Self harmed . At last I am about to be seen by my Dr.  But I have a dry persistent hacking cough, high temperature, explosive upset stomach.Whats the bet I get refused entry.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling to access support @roo2436. I've sent you an email from to see how we can support you, so please do keep an eye out for that and reply when you can :) 

    How are things today?