New style esa and carers allowence

HJP290 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected
Hii long story short i am disabled recieveing new style esa industrial injurys benifit and pip standad and high mobility 

My nan has lost 90% her eye sight recently and now i having to travel to hers every day via taxi took cook ( well as best as i can manage n help her with every tasks  ) its killing me off finacally and physically  i love my nan to peices but is 12 pound there and back and we dont have sutible accomadation for her to love with me or vica versa or would in heart beat but  because my gradad paid into private pensions literally amount to 150 a month she would have to pay for her full care plus i dont really want anyone else doing it she wouldnt be comfartble either  andi just dont no how much longer i can keep affording it . I was told i can claim carers allowence  ididnt think i could because im in a support group for the esa so just looking for some info thanks 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    New style ESA and carers allowance are classed as overlapping benefits, which means you can't be paid them both together.
    You can check entitlement to Universal Credit but your ESA and IIDB will both be deducted in full. If there is entitlement you can claim carers element of UC which will make up part of your maximum UC entitlement.
    If you live with a partner you claim as a couple and your joint circumstances will be taken into consideration. 
    However, for you to claim carers element your nan must be claiming a qualifying disability benefit herself, of either PIP daily living/DLA mid/high rate care or AA.
    If she doesn't claim any of those and she's state pension age or above then she can look at a claiming AA.

  • HJP290
    HJP290 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected
    I get more than i would be entiltled to on uc as get 480 esa and 411 industrial injurys so would just take it all away anyways i was certain i couldnt but thought i would check see if could help with taxi cost thank you for quick reply We will just have to start going halves :) 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It sounds really positive that you are aware of which you would find most beneficial @HJP290. Have you managed to get help with taxis yet? 

    Please feel free to let us know how things are going. We are all here for you if we can do anything to help, even if that's just listening  :)
  • HJP290
    HJP290 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected
    No no help lv but have persuaded me nanny  to apply for top rate care so would be extra 120 a month ruflfly help with taxis she on middle rate dla and high mobility for life she worried about loosing it i said there not a chance way her health his wheelchair bound out off house and cant see a thing or hear a thing spend half me life shouting at her even with hearing aids bless her . 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    How old is your Nan? Unless she was born before 8th April 1948 a request to review her DLA will result in her being assessed for PIP instead of DLA because her DLA cannot be revised. 
  • HJP290
    HJP290 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected
    She was 1944 i double checked as she doesnt want to be swapped over and i dnt blame her tbh . 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    HJP290 said:
    She was 1944 i double checked as she doesnt want to be swapped over and i dnt blame her tbh . 
    Great, means she will not need to go through a PIP assessment