Does them getting further information from my GP mean they're doing a paperbased assessment?

bella4 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited September 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I applied for pip June 22
I rang and was told that Capita had my details and that they had got further information from my GP
Does this mean that they are going to do a paperbased assessment and normally how long does it take to get a decision back


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    It means what they told you, they got further information from your GP. If they were going to do a paper based assessment they would have informed you.
    Most people have an assessment, so you should expect one of those. This can either be face to face at an assessment centre, phone or video call. If it's needed they will contact you with a date and time but there are backlogs so it could take a while.
    It could be several months or more before any decision is made on your claim. Once the assessment report is written, it will be returned to DWP and from that point a decision can take up to 12 weeks, sometimes longer.
  • bella4
    bella4 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thankyou Poppy123456 x
  • bella4
    bella4 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I rang Capita and they have said that they have enough information and that they are in the process of looking at my claim.  I don't know if this is a good thing or not.  Does anyone know time scale to get a decision when it's at this stage please
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    At this stage there are no timescales. If an assessment is needed they will contact you. If they can do a paper based assessment, once the report is returned to DWP it can take around 12 weeks.
  • bella4
    bella4 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thanks Poppy123456  they have confirmed that they are doing paper based assessment 
    Jees up to 12 weeks is a long time to wait
    Il just have to wait until they get back to me 😆 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    To be honest, you only applied in June so your timescale up to now has been extremely quick.