Pip evidence help

needhelp120 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
Hello. I have lots of different evidence but it's all a bit long and not all relevant. I have medical records from different doctors surgeries but they all seem to have missing information, one has some the other doesn't. I was wondering could I/should I use a highlighter to highlight the relevant parts of pages for example, that mention suicide attempts, self-harming, evidence of eating disorders, evidence of symptoms, medications taken etc, as all the information is kind of spread between tonnes of pages with some irrelevant info. I can't just cut and paste parts. Would highlighting things be okay to do? I don't/can't really expect them to read through all the pages. Any advice would help. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Highlighting information in reports is a very good idea and i did exactly this for my daughters first PIP claim in 2017. As you correctly said, you just can't miss out pages from an reports because it just looks rather strange, almost like you're trying to hide things from them.
    Remember that less is often more. Sending pages and pages of evidence is never good.