
Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
Hi all
i have not been online for a while I have been busy with other things take care Margaret


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
    That's okay @Margare93222061 :) You're welcome to pop back in whenever you have time and fancy a chat.

    What have you been up to lately? 
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Hi Tori
     I go on the internet a lot  I have worked  for many years so it is strange to be at home. take care Tori Margaret
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Good morning @Margare93222061 nice to hear you have been busy.
    Don't worry about when you come on line, scope don't take a register like at school ha ha.
    I hope you have been well.
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Hi Sue
    How are you today? I hope everything is well with you take care Margaret 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Good afternoon @Margare93222061
    I am well thank you, i have had a lovely potter in the garden, it was a bit chilly but dry.
    I hope you are well today and had a nice day.
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Thank you Sue  take care Margaret 
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Hi Teddy,
    Good to hear from you  I like to travel and I like quizzes and I go on the internet a lot. I had a fall today but I am okay. I have never been married. take care. Teddy Margaret 
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    thank you  Teddy speak again soon
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Hi Teddy
    i am ok thank you for asking. I hope you are well  and that you will have a good  day. take care Margaret 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Hi @Margare93222061. Really positive to hear you are ok. 

    If we can do anything to help please don't hesitate to let us know. We are all here for you and hope you have a good day too  :)
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Thank you
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    edited October 2022
    Hello Pam,
     I hope you are well the wether here is dry  Do you have any hobbies? Take care Margaret 

  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    Hi Teddy, Good to hear from you. I am sorry to hear you. have gall stones I have that they can be painful. Let’s hope you can be treated soon. I have cerebral. Palsy left leg affected I hope Toby is okay take care Margaret
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    edited October 2022
    Hi Pam,
    I am sorry to hear you have to watch  the pennies.  Did you know. You can do. Jigsaws on line and quizzes. I have a jigsaw puzzle in a frame of  Hong Kong harbour which I visited in 1994. Take care speak again soon Margaret 
  • Margare93222061
    Margare93222061 Community member Posts: 418 Empowering
    edited October 2022
    Hi I do not have a link Pam but one site  is called jigzone    take. a look all different size pieces for the  same. Puzzle  or  just type into the net jigsaws on line take care Margaret