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Is there any help other than PALS when doctors make mistakes?

Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
My doctor prescribed tablets they shouldn't have for my tremors because I also have kidney disease.  My GP has explained my kidneys could not process them so they went back into my system and have damaged my nerve endings.  I now have severe peripheral neuropathy. I phoned PALS who would not help unless I was prepared to give my name and details. Is there another route to getting at least an apology does anyone know?


  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    I think PALS would be your best option, but it's a shame they won't give any advice without you providing details. Have you put in a formal complaint?
  • Emma52
    Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
    I have done in the past and although there was supposed to be no come back from those concerned it only took a few months for them to be unpleasant.  I was prepared to put a complaint in this time but they wouldn't let me do that without my name being known to those concerned.
  • littleacorn
    littleacorn Community member Posts: 372 Pioneering
    Do you know why they need your personal details at this point? Who do you mean by "those concerned"?
  • Emma52
    Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
    They said they would not take a complaint without my name, contact number, address etc and that this would be given to the person I was making a complaint about. By those concerned, I was referring to the Doctor and her assistant who mis-prescribed me a medicine that should NOT be given to someone with kidney disease. Hope this helps clarify for you littleacorn  :)
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there @Emma52 and welcome, thanks for your query today, I'm sorry to hear what's happened.

    The NHS page on How to complain to the NHS might have the information you need: 

    Not happy with the outcome?

    If your problem persists or you're not happy with the way your complaint has been dealt with locally, you can complain to the relevant ombudsman.


    If you have reached the end of the complaints process and are not happy with the organisation's final decision, you have the right to bring your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to look at.

    The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman makes final decisions on unresolved complaints about the NHS in England. This organisation is independent of the NHS.

    For more information, call 0345 015 4033 or visit the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website.

    I hope that's helpful for you, and please keep us up to date with how you get on, we're here to help if you need us :)  

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  • Karen7788
    Karen7788 Scope Member Posts: 598 Pioneering
    edited October 2022
    Hi @Emma52,
    If a complaint is about a clinician those investigating the complaint will need your details so that the consultation can be reviewed. The doctor will be given an opportunity to respond to your complaint. You can also contact your local CCG or look on their website, it will have information on making a complaint and details about patient safety. 
    Hope this gets resolved for you. 
  • Emma52
    Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
    I don't want to do that Karen because last time I did, although they're not meant to treat you differently after a few months they think you've forgotten about it and they definitely do. After all they are only human. 
  • Karen7788
    Karen7788 Scope Member Posts: 598 Pioneering
    Hi @Emma52,
    I do understand your concerns. Plenty of people make mistakes but they have to learn by them. When a patient complains about an NHS service they should look at it as lessons learned and not a blame game.
    I’m sorry that’s happened in the past with you as by complaining you are helping to stop it happening to someone else. 
    I complained myself once about a pharmacist giving me antipsychotic medication instead of blood pressure medication with a similar name, luckily I noticed the error, I got a full apology and an explanation of what changes they had made in their system. 
  • Emma52
    Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
    edited October 2022
    You lucky thing. I can not imagine any of my medical staff ever saying sorry. They act as if it would be an admission of guilt. I don't want a blame game, I want patients to be treated like human beings and when things go wrong as they have the least they could do is own up, say sorry and change their lax attitude. I really cannot get my head around their you win some, you lose some attitude.  I've been going through months of pain which I did not have prior to their error and it looks like I will have to put up with it for years to come too.
  • happyfella
    happyfella Community member Posts: 499 Pioneering
    The trouble with GP surgery and it needs to be changed is, when you complain to the practice manager, they do nothing, especially if the person you are complaining about is the senior partner. The practice manager should not be employed by the surgery, or there should be complaints procedure in place that has nothing to do with the surgery. I gave up when i had a complaint again my old doctors as Pals were not interested and i spent three months getting passed from pillar to post. Eventually my doctors got away with their mistake because i could not get through or find the right people who would deal with the complaint.

  • Emma52
    Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
    I'm sorry you've been through it too but it is helpful to hear that other people have had similar experiences. Thankyou for commenting and I hope they have not made your health worse. :/

  • emancherry33
    emancherry33 Community member Posts: 3,640 Pioneering
    Hi Emma 52, your not the only one who's complained and nothing happens had that numerous times when dealing with my mum's affairs it was very much there always right even when they are wrong doctors to me seem that they are above everyone, and pals help to a degree but soon all forgotten, never heard once sorry we made a mistake . Ever thought about going to a different doctor at a different practice and not mention about previous doctors.
  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 746 Pioneering
    In my previous experience of our local PALS, they tend to not be independent at all, and very very supportive of the very people being complained about. If there is an issue where you feel you want them to take it seriously, then a no-win, no fee solicitor can unlock a lot of the truth and protect you at the same time.
  • Emma52
    Emma52 Community member Posts: 45 Courageous
    edited October 2022
    Siwheels73 - I think you may be right on the no-win, no fee solicitor idea. I'm starting to feel the only way to make things change is to have them realise it will hurt them financially. Such a pity to have to go to those extremes. Have you ever used one? Can you recommend a particular company to use? PS Have a good day and thank you :smile:

  • wendy41
    wendy41 Community member Posts: 228 Pioneering
    edited October 2022
    @Siwheels73 Completely agree with you! 
  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 746 Pioneering
    @Emma52, can I private message you about this, please?
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