Nice to meet you

KiaZ Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
edited October 2022 in Start here and say hello!
Hello, I'm not new to this site & especially not new to the world of disability, but I am new to this community. 
It's actually really nice to have found that scope has this it. 

Like many it seems from a quick glance on here, I would like to make new friends, although my conditions may make this quite difficult. 
But it would be nice to not feel so alone anyway. 

Anyway, nice to meet you all 


  • KiaZ
    KiaZ Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    edited October 2022
    Thank you so... much Pam. 
    If anyone wants to talk please do message me. I've no idea if there is a way on here but if there is, it would be nice to hear from people. Especially if they have information on ways to find local groups or anything to connect. 

    Thanks again Pam
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,274 Championing
    Hi @KiaZ welcome to the forum. Join in with conversations going on, plenty of us to natter to here
  • KiaZ
    KiaZ Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    Thank you all for being so kind & welcoming. I'm happy to have joined to be part of this & I'm looking forward to making friends with new special people 😊 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @Kiaz - & welcome to the community, which I think you'll already have seen is friendly & supportive.
    Your local council may have links to different local groups, & you can also search here:
    Your GP surgery may also be able to help, tho I'm not sure how well this may be running since the start of the pandemic. You'd need to ask about 'social prescribing'; some info here:
    If all else fails, you'll have to put up with us all :)
  • KiaZ
    KiaZ Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    chiarieds said:
    Hi @Kiaz - & welcome to the community, which I think you'll already have seen is friendly & supportive.
    Your local council may have links to different local groups, & you can also search here:
    Your GP surgery may also be able to help, tho I'm not sure how well this may be running since the start of the pandemic. You'd need to ask about 'social prescribing'; some info here:
    If all else fails, you'll have to put up with us all :)
    Thank you so.... much. Sorry that I'm probably very late responding. 
    I've had a pretty bad energy crash recently. So it's so nice to come on here and see such support. 
    Thankfully I have a gp appointment coming up soon so I could actually mention this! I've never heard of it. 
    And thank you so much for the link! 

    Again, I'm so glad I found the community 🥰

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    There's no need to apologise at all @kiaz :) You're welcome to pop in for a chat whenever you feel up to it!

    I'm glad that you found chiaried's post helpful. I hope that your upcoming appointment goes well. 

    How are your energy levels today?
  • KiaZ
    KiaZ Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    🥰 thank you! 

    Today's been really bad for energy. I woke up feeling completely sedated. Managed drag myself out if bed to do the bear minimum and then kept falling into a heavy sleep which is not like me as I actually struggle with sleep (which is part of the reason I'm needing to speak to the doctor). 

    Feeling better that the sedated feeling has passed now through & so have been able to sit up in bed and come on here. 

    Really want to make some coffee but yesterday I stupidly somehow managed to burn myself so I'm not even sure if that's a good idea, especially because I'm especially tired today. 

    I've made a poll 🙂 I don't know if you'll be able to see it, but if you can would love for your input! 🥰

    Thanks again for message! 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    Could a family member perhaps make you a coffee @kiaz?

    I'm sorry to hear that you burnt yourself yesterday. It's easily done. How's the burn doing? Make sure you keep it clean.

    I'll take a look at your poll this afternoon :)
  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,774 Championing
    edited November 2022
    @KiaZ  would also welcome to the community :)