Hi, my name is kevrum74!

kevrum74 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi I have aspergerger I was diagnosed in 2018, I have have ongoing neighbour problems 9 years now , council refuse to do anything , I have a gambling addiction,  a prescription drug addiction, tried rehabs a couple of times , gamble so hard as been doing since  12 years old, got of the opiates , reducing meds on that , neighbour clearly as issues food all over sheets up at window take drugs and heroin and drinks , just seems to ruin Is nice flat and I'm at end of my tether I have thought only way out is suicide sometime them stop and think I'm 48 I need a life but I need to go as my mental health is serious bad not to mention physical health I just don't know what to so or where to them council and housing association said if you don't like it move I live my wife it's affecting marriage I got a dog to help things seems worse hie respect is disgraceful 


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    Welcome to the community @kevrum74 :) Thank you for joining us, and for telling us about your situation. 

    I've sent you an email from community@scope.org.uk to see how we can help, so please do keep an eye out for that. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with drug addiction. Have you been receiving any support for this? 
    You may find the following resources helpful:
    It must also be tough to deal with a gambling addiction alongside this, especially considering how long you've struggled with this. Support is available. Here are a few organisations who may be able to help:
    We've had quite a few members post about problems they've been having with their neighbours, and how this has been affecting them, so you're not the only one going through something like this. I hope that our members will be able to offer you some helpful advice and support on this.
    Have you reported you neighbours' behaviour to the police, if appropriate? The gov.uk website has some information about reporting a crime or anti-social behaviour, which you might like to look at. There are ways to report these incidences anonymously.