Enhanced mobility changing tax class of vehicle

Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
edited October 2022 in Transport and travel
I`ve done a quick search on here, but can`t find any thread that fully answers my question.
I have a fully taxed car and the tax doesn`t run out until the end of the year.  I`m now exempt VED (Road Tax) which means I need to change the tax class of the car.
It was my understanding (and still is, until advised otherwise) that to change the tax class of a vehicle (to pay no VED / Road Tax) I have to take my logbook and certificate of entitlement to the Post Office for them to start the process.
This I did, but I was told by a member of Post Office staff that I have to post my logbook to DVLA (and a copy of the certificate) for them to make the changes.
Am I correct in my understanding that the Post Office should have taken my logbook & certificate or was the Post Office worker correct?

Added at 16:40 - I`ve found a thread that I commented on in August, but I`m still not 100% sure.
Added at 17:14 - This thread from June confirms my belief that the Post Office should have done the work:
