how do people deal with chronic pain

happyfella Community member Posts: 509 Empowering
I have suffered with chronic pain for many years and now it is getting worse. I would love to know how people deal with it and if people also experience what i experience. Due to chronic pain I fall alot. I have slipped discs in my neck and also shoulder damage.

Sadly they will not operate on the slipped discs or the shoulder as they say it is too dangerous. So, would love to know how people cope


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    edited October 2022
    It sounds really difficult that you have suffered with chronic pain for many years and now it is getting worse @happyfella

    Different things work for different people. For me, with fibromyalgia, it is about heat and managing stress levels. 

    Hopefully, other community members will be able to respond to you sooner with more ways to deal with it based on their own experiences  <3
  • mindful82
    mindful82 Community member Posts: 18 Listener
    Hello Happyfella I am a chronic pain suffer I understand the difficulties than come with any spinal cord damage I've also damaged vertebrae in my neck and  my spine   my spinal cord has been punched but years ago unnoticed no operations either its too dangerous I was prescribed codeine which I stopped taking because I wasn't feeling what it was hiding I lost all my senses couldn't sleep I am now in a wheelchair I am prescribed medical cannabis which helps with the pain with sleeping eating I am able to manage my pain and my day much more independently without it I'd not manage anything yes different things work for different people although I am only on medical cannabis because there is nothing else meditation heat works too I've times I use a got water bottle covered to prevent burns etc laying flat on our backs I spend 75% of my days laying flat protecting my spine I've also a  problem in my left arm to do with my spinal cord without the medical  cannabis prescription I'd be passing out every day it rarely happens whilst I am using my medication I ask anything you like I'll gladly try to help you Happyfella God bless you 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,371 Championing