Why do I seem to be more attracted to guys who share characteristics with Autism but can't find any

Splatmate24 Online Community Member Posts: 411 Contributor
I have been in previous relationships with different types of men. Some of the traits that I like to see in a man are: humble, trustworth,trusting,asking questions if you don't know the answer . Be respectful. I dislike guys that talk about their ex girlfriends,blaming trust isuse, controlling,verbal abusers, and cheaters . My experiences are mixed with bad and good, but I have more bad experiences with some previous relationships. College is the worst place to get into a good relationship. I have already graduated from college. My guys that I was attracted to the most were those that were shy, gamers, and listened to people who stayed at home most of the time . I don't want to talk to many women . I did ask my friends about if they know any single guys and they all sent no I don't know any single guys . that i been trying online dating that is facebook dating . is has be hit and miss . match with a new guy .