Attendance Allowance is said to be one of the DWP's most underclaimed benefit

racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
Here we go again. We have had the Pension Credit adverts now every time I switch on my computer, I get adverts like the one above.
I don't mind them being there - it's what comes next. A whole long list of illnesses and conditions which tongue in cheek say that if you have any of the above you will probably qualify.
Have these people never looked at what makes up the conditions of entitlement for Attendance Allowance?
Having a particular condition or diagnosis will never by itself give rise to an award - it's all need based not medical terminology.


  • ShirleyW
    ShirleyW Online Community Member Posts: 353 Empowering
    "probably qualify"  not will qualify. 

    Meaning that many of those illnesses will lead to the sort of care needs which qualify for Attendance Allowance. 

    By being so negative you are going to put people off claiming this much needed benefit. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited October 2022
    DWP do do advertising campaigns for benefits, there was a campaign in June for Pension Credit. 
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    woodbine said:
    calcotti said:
    DWP do do advertising campaigns for benefits, there was a campaign in June for Pension Credit. 
    That one was wasted on a certain someone was it not ?
    I presume that that comment was directed at me?

    There are over 880,000 people in the country like me that could claim Pension Credit but don't for whatever reason.
    There are many many reasons that these people have for not making the claim. Knowing nothing about it is no longer the case, not after the adverts both on the TV, the radio, newspapers and digital platforms.
    AgeUK have a policy that when they have contact with anybody over the age given for making a claim they ensure and question that person about Pension Credit.

    The same goes for Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support, they too are benefits that are not being claimed when they could/should.

  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering

    The costs associated with advertising comes out of the money that is not claimed each year. In fact, because of the poor backdating rules the Treasury is getting back from the Welfare budget up to £16bn every year. Advertising costs are but a very small part of those savings.

    Where the total £16 billion figure comes from: 


    Benefit nameNumber of entitled families not claiming 

    Amount unclaimed
    Child Tax Credit670,000£2,490,000,000
    Working Tax Credit950,000£2,540,000,000
    Pension Credit1,060,000£2,160,000,000
    Housing Benefit920,000£2,680,000,000
    Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based) (a)410,000£1,380000,000
    Income Support / Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)300,000£1,240,000,000
    Council Tax Support2,770,000 (b)£2,595,000,000 (c)
    Child Benefit513,000£825,000,000
    Universal CreditFigures not availableFigures not available
    Total7,593,000 (d)

  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Although you can no longer claim the majority of those anymore, you are correct. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited October 2022
    Do you know what year that information is from? Always helpful to quote a reference when quoting. I can’t see how anybody can currently be entitled to Tax Credits but not claiming because if they aren’t claiming they can’t make a claim so, by definition, they can’t be entitled!
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    calcotti said:
    Do you know what year that information is from? Always helpful to quote a reference when quoting. I can’t see how anybody can currently be entitled to Tax Credits but not claiming because if they aren’t claiming they can’t make a claim so, by definition, they can’t be entitled!
    Two years ago.

    As an example, the Pension Credit number has reduced by approx 20% since June 22 still leaving 880,000 people not claiming it.
    What I do find surprising is that Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support between them accounts for 3,690,000.
    But then thinking about it, there are those like myself that doesn't claim a means tested benefit which would if claimed give a CTS award automatically. In my case I am not claiming the two benefits.

    Whilst these figures go up and down and have done for years, At one time there were 1.3 million not claiming PC. Historical data does show that you will never get everybody to claim everything that they are entitled to. There must come a time when advertising will just not pay off. Maybe this is why HS2 although is well over budget, the government is still pressing ahead with it as it has all this extra money available every year. As the saying goes - use it or lose it
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Am puzzled by the idea of people claiming benefits which they would no longer be able to apply for so I can't get my head around people 'entitled' to Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Income Support, or income based ESA/JSA not claiming it. They should all be classed as entitled to but not claiming UC.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I see no source has been posted regarding those figures. All we have is a screenshot, which doesn't really mean anything, especially as it's no longer possible to claim the majority of the benefits listed.
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    woodbine said:
    Why on earth would half a million people not claim child benefit? kids are almost born with the paperwork, on that basis and that alone I question all your figures @racyguy
    Because they simply do not make the claim - the same as a pensioner not making a claim for the SRP. You have to claim it to gain it.
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    calcotti said:
    Am puzzled by the idea of people claiming benefits which they would no longer be able to apply for so I can't get my head around people 'entitled' to Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Income Support, or income based ESA/JSA not claiming it. They should all be classed as entitled to but not claiming UC.
    Hence why no figures are given for UC.

  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    We never claimed the old Family Allowance for our twin daughters. My wife (who should have been the claimant) felt that it should have been means tested. She insisted that as we didn't actually need that particular money a claim was never made.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    racyguy said:
    calcotti said:
    Am puzzled by the idea of people claiming benefits which they would no longer be able to apply for so I can't get my head around people 'entitled' to Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Income Support, or income based ESA/JSA not claiming it. They should all be classed as entitled to but not claiming UC.
    Hence why no figures are given for UC.
    There should be figures for UC but those figures for discontinued benefits are meaningless. I suspect that DWP haven’t done any assessment of possible UC entitlement.

    Where are the figures from?
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    woodbine said:
    racyguy said:
    We never claimed the old Family Allowance for our twin daughters. My wife (who should have been the claimant) felt that it should have been means tested. She insisted that as we didn't actually need that particular money a claim was never made.
    Not making a claim for FA would have been a bit silly (me being nice) as it gave the claimant N.I cont for the years it was in payment.
    Ah that would be the reason then as to why my wife was not eligible for any SRP - she has had to rely on my contributions to get a 60% pension. Aside from that I always wondered why she never had any contributions credited whilst she claimed Invalid Care Allowance/Carers Allowance for me for 9 years.
    Funny system - you try to help out and not claim something but in doing so you penalise your own State Pension. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited October 2022
    If she was claiming Carers Allowance she should have got NI credits. However a minimum of 10 years of contributions/credits are required to qualify for any SRP.
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    calcotti said:
    If she was claiming Carers Allowance she should have got NI credits. However a minimum of 10 years of contributions/credits are required to qualify for any SRP.
    Ah again, she was receiving /ICA/Carers Allowance for 9 years and a bit so that answers the question.
    My fault again it seems. She was actually caring for another 5 years but as I didn't reapply for the DLA when it ran out (too ill and spending most days in the local NHS Mental Health Service Centre) was just not with it. I reclaimed it 5 years later and received my original award of High Care and High Mobility back.