Review of PIP

kateymatey Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
Hi i am awaiting a review of my pip since  july this year they have still been paying me and i keep getting txts to say its waiting to be revieved and only contact them if there are any changes
Im just really worried these payments are suddenly going to stop though has anyone else been in this situation and had an outcome


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,411 Championing
    Your payments will continue until a decision is made on your review. We have members here that are still waiting a year after returning their review forms. There's huge backlogs so the wait is not unusual. Expect another assessment because most have them even for reviews. Once an appointment becomes available you will be contacted.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    I understand from the above atet you have received and returned the review form. My understanding is that PIP claims are being extended as necessary while reviews are processed. What was the last end date you were given for your existing award?