Help with a refusal to make reasonable adjustments

Gemmalou88 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
edited February 2023 in Work
Good afternoon, I found your forum after a long search for answers. 
I have been off work for 6 months now following a refusal to make reasonable adjustments. I have raised a grievance with my employer and after 4 months this is still unresolved 🙄 
My role is a very demanding role with lots of manual handling which unfortunately I am no longer able to do due to my disability. But since may I have been asking to be redeployed into a less demanding role. I work in a large organisation and redeployment shouldn't have been an issue as roles are always available.

Occupational health have said I am not fit to work because I am unable to do things such as lift a full laundry basket or push a hoover but how does this even compare to sitting behind a desk??

Also, they're defending themselves by saying they haven't considered adjustments (redeployment) as I have been signed unfit for work by my GP (but this is for my physically demanding role) and they're now saying that this along with the occupational health report this is the reason why reasonable adjustments (redeployment)  have not been considered. Is this even lawful under the equality act 2010? 

Sorry for the long rant!