How did you celebrate Halloween when you were little?

Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing

Halloween is a growing phenomenon, bringing lots of fun and more commercial year upon year. So tell us - how did you used to celebrate?

I'm an 80s kid and I have one word - turnip. In my house it wasn't pumpkins that used to get carved, it was a turnip. And let me tell you this, it wasn't easy! My poor mums fingers  :disappointed:

Also, it wasn't a fancy schmancy outfit I wore. No. It was a black bin bag with a head hole cut out. Does this ring any bells?

How times change!
Share your memories with us  :)


  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    I agree with woodbine, no celebrations for me either but bonfire night was great fun...we’d light a bonfire 🔥 and some people even burnt effigies of Guy Fawkes. We’d even have baked potatoes oozing with butter, and that was the only time of the year that people had baked potatoes you know. Then ther were also fireworks for the lucky rich kids but you can’t hide a lit firework so everyone around the neighbourhood could see them. Great fun. I miss those days.
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    edited October 2022
    @woodbine @leeCal Absolutely, bonfire night was a bigger deal around here. Did you have penny for the guy? And yum, jacket potatoes with butter! 

    I think sparklers were the extent of our fireworks but we enjoyed watching the bigger ones from a local park for free too  <3
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Yes penny for the guy, some children would wheel Guy Fawkes around in a wheelbarrow and basically beg on street corners for money to buy fireworks, bless. I’d forgotten about that.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Same here nothing for Halloween 

    Bonfire night we had a street bonfire with guy on top that kids had made and took round in wheel barrow penny for guy 

    All families brought food to eat round bonfire 
    Baked potatoes,  chestnuts , hot dogs , toffee apples,  cinder toffee , marshmallows,  parkin 

    We couldn't wait for it to go dark to start the fire 🔥 
    My dad was a fireman so he was always in charge of the fire 

    We had sparklers and then went to the local park for the firework display 

    Amazing memories one of my favourite days of the year it was also my nans birthday 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    same for me never had halloween but bonfire night was a big community event, as kids we would spend at least two weeks collecting wood etc from people that had saved all their bits and even chopped up old furniture, all the local kids got involved and built a massive bonfire, great community times x
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,782 Championing
    No halloween wasn't a big thing at all,  also don't remember shops supporting it either. If anyone did try to make a costume, it was black bin bags. Bonfire night was a biggy tho