Managing mental health

1981VJ Community member Posts: 30 Connected
Hi, as I work in mental health I wondered how you guys manage your mental wellbeing and would there be anything else you would find beneficial out there?


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
    edited November 2022
    I think one thing we hear about quite a lot on the community is that mental health services can be inaccessible @1981VJ. Often, people will be expected to take part in phone calls, and in-person sessions, which doesn't work for some people.

    I think there's also a bit of a lack of a 'joined up' approach. Services often work independently of each other, and don't appear to work together to provide the best care for people.

    I hope that makes sense!
  • 1981VJ
    1981VJ Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    Yes it does, absolutely 
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,356 Championing
    Definitely what Tori said about there not being any services that fit my need. I'm not able to leave the house or have people in and can't use the phone. There are now paid for online therapy services but they are quite niche
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,137 Championing
    As above, both mental and physical health services are inaccessible for me, and have been directly responsible for worsening my health conditions and practical abilities by forcing me through unmanageable assessments and then telling me there's no help available.

    Aside from that, I'd find it really beneficial to be linked to other local people with similar problems.

    We're often told about the importance of peer support, but many of us completely lose our peer network as health conditions worsen.

    Online groups and mental health services prevent us getting in touch with like minded locals because of the safety/security aspect.  But there must be a compromise available there. 

    I was shocked to be suggested that I employ a complete stranger as a PA for this.  How is that safer than someone that's known and assessed by the same mental team?
  • bluefox
    bluefox Community member Posts: 647 Empowering
    My GP recommended Qigong to me, which is kind of like martial arts yoga, back in February. I haven’t done much of it but when I do, I always feel it calms my nervous system for about 15 minutes. I think I need more practice but it’s also ironic as my NEAD course is about meditation and yoga to calm the nervous system. 
  • slloyd42
    slloyd42 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    As above, both mental and physical health services are inaccessible for me, and have been directly responsible for worsening my health conditions and practical abilities by forcing me through unmanageable assessments and then telling me there's no help available.

    Aside from that, I'd find it really beneficial to be linked to other local people with similar problems.

    We're often told about the importance of peer support, but many of us completely lose our peer network as health conditions worsen.

    Online groups and mental health services prevent us getting in touch with like minded locals because of the safety/security aspect.  But there must be a compromise available there. 

    I was shocked to be suggested that I employ a complete stranger as a PA for this.  How is that safer than someone that's known and assessed by the same mental team?
    Hi, DisabilityPlus Counselling and Psychotherapy support people with disabilities, all the counsellors have disabilities. 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,137 Championing
    slloyd42 said:
    Hi, DisabilityPlus Counselling and Psychotherapy support people with disabilities, all the counsellors have disabilities. 
    Hi there, thanks for that.  I hadn't heard of them before. 

    Sadly, it looks like they still require an initial consultation by telephone or Zoom which I'm no longer able to manage.  Though I may still email them to see if there's anything they can suggest.

    Have you used them yourself out of interest?
  • DisabilityPlus
    DisabilityPlus Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Overly, please contact us using or WhatsApp 07539 877357. We try to be as accessible as possible. My name is Simon & I am the owner.
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,660 Cerebral Palsy Network
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,660 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Lots of Disability Plus information is posted in the Cerebral Palsy section. As that is the area I cover primarily,