Changes in the workplace

Mai Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi all, I'm in quite a turmoil at the moment with work.  I have worked for 20 years for the same company and during that time I have developed several health conditions that affect me physically.  I am also on the autistic spectrum which I was diagnosed with over 2 years ago.  I had been on sick leave for a number of months in 2020 due a bad flare up of rheumatoid arthritis, and despite the excruciating pain and mobility struggles I pushed myself to travel the 8 miles to work until my body said no.  Anyway after 5 months I was allowed a return to work and a reasonable adjustment made for me to work from home carrying out the light admin tasks for the team I'm in. The same tasks that I have been doing for the past 9 years.  Now two weeks ago I had a skype meeting with two senior managers who advised me that the office is moving over 34 miles away, that I will be expected to travel at least twice a week to this new office and make my way to my desk.  They then told me that I will be expected to take calls and that my job will no longer exist.  I will be on trial for 4 weeks in the new role.
I am in total shock, they know what my disabilities are, they know how overwhelmed I get with constant chattering and that I struggle to even travel the 8 miles.  I will be tethered to a telephone; I can't just make my way to the loo when my IBS flares up, the stress and overstimulation from calls will set it off.  I just can't get my head around how i'm going to manage the 34 mile journey, then try to mobilise myself from the car to the office desk, then start taking calls.  To top it off my manager has told me that the admin work that I am doing will just be dished out to other staff each day!  I feel like they are trying to manage me out of work as they know what they are proposing will put me at a disadvantage.  I just don't know where to turn.


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,462 Championing
    Welcome to the community @mai :) That sounds really stressful! 

    Have you told them that the new arrangement isn't really feasible? Could any reasonable adjustments be put in place to make it more manageable for you, such as becoming a permanent home worker?

    We have some information on our website about employment, which you might find helpful to read, including a page on what to do if you feel you're being managed out of your job.

    If you feel as though moving to a new role at a different organisation would be the best option for you, our employment services are there to help :)
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    If your job no longer exists then they should be giving you the option of redundancy which after your length of service maybe a good option 

    Other options could be medical dismissal or ill health retirement 

    Obviously if you want to carry on working then ask for oh referral for assessment of any reasonable adjustments 

    Are you in a union ? 
  • Mai
    Mai Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you for responding to me.  Work have said there is no option for redundancy as they feel the 34 miles is doable for everyone.  I can't afford to come out of work, and it also helps me with structure to my day.  Prior to doing the admin I was on the phones but the stress of the constant calls, micromanagement and pressure from my then manager caused me to have a breakdown and I attempted to take my own life.  I have asked my employer for yet another occupational health referral and yes, I am in a union.  The union advised me after my breakdown that if my employer ever put pressure on me again then I might be able to take them to a tribunal. The business is all about inclusivity, but the team managers don't seem to follow this when it comes to people with disabilities.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    If there is no solution them maybe applicable to look at discrimination claim as your disability hasn't been taken into account with the proposed changes 

    However the business can't be expected not to move premises based on your needs or to restructure if there are business reasons for doing so 

    Be guided by your union once the oh assessment has taken place