Roaming around with nothing

Once again in that situation with no money as UC all run out, tormented by neighbour downstairs, extremely depressed, left flat, rotting away, not even a penny to purchase a snack, 27 and this is my reality, I feel lower than ever and would not wish this on anyone, wasted an hour on phone to Samaritans for nothing they can’t and don’t do anything . I have nowhere to turn. Why do I bother trying?
Is is acceptable for the government to neglect the needs of a British person like this whilst they support people who have never even contributed and people in much less need than me?
I am so upset and it’s Monday so even more limited with who I can call!
I want to reiterate I haven’t brought any of this on myself !

Are there are moral, immediate, proper solutions? 



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,725 Championing
    It's Sunday today, not Monday, which is why it's difficult to contact anyone. I note you're claiming Universal Credit. Were you entitled to a payment of UC for an assessment period that ended between 26th August to 25th September? If you did you'll be entitled to the £324 cost of living payment anytime up until 23rd November, if you haven't already received it.

    Is is acceptable for the government to neglect the needs of a British person like this whilst they support people who have never even contributed

    Means tested benefits like UC have nothing to do with anyone contributing anything, entitlement depends on circumstances.
    May i ask if you've reported your health condition to UC and sent in a fit note within 7 days of that?
    Have you looked to see if there's a food bank available today? There's some information on food banks here.
    There's also some information on scope about accessing food banks

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    Hi @ResilientNeighbour7 :) Have you been able to take a look at poppy123456's reply to you? 

    I'd second the suggestion to see whether there's a food bank you could access, should you need some emergency food. I think I recall you saying that you'd been treated badly by one in the past. Is that right? If so, is there another one in your area that you could go to?

    I realise it can be frustrating when we don't feel as though we're able to access the support we need. Samaritans are a listening service, and make a point of not telling anyone what they should do. I hope that makes sense :) 
  • ResilientNeighbour7
    ResilientNeighbour7 Posts: 198 Connected
    Got paid this months UC with a new claim yesterday however it’s still not sufficient to live on as a 27 year old woman! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,725 Championing
    Got paid this months UC with a new claim yesterday however it’s still not sufficient to live on as a 27 year old woman! 

    Sadly benefits only pay the basics. Have you reported your health condition supported by a fit note within 7 days of that? If you haven't i'd advise you to do that and then this will start the work capability assessment process of providing you're not earning more than 16 xNMW/week. (unless you're claiming a disability benefit like PIP/DLA)