Hi, my name is June1953! My dad has recently had an above the knee amputation.

June1953 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi Community, trust you are all well. I’m in desperate need for advice and direction. My dad has recently had an above the knee amputation. The OT has decided that he can go back to his flat on the 4th floor, they also advice that the wheelchair cannot fit in the bathroom therefore he should use his kitchen as the bathroom. This is incredible! Dad is currently in the hospital. 
The lift is always breaking down.
His accommodation is unsuitable on so many levels   What can I do? 
They want to discharge him soon (straight home, no rehab), I’m at an absolute loss. 


  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Morning @June1953 welcome to our great group.
    I can feel your desperate for advice darling, it must be very frightening/worrying for you at the moment, how does your Dad feel about it all ?
    I am no expert on this, i'm hoping one of the other members will be able to offer more constructive advice.
    Many moons ago when my own Mother was in hospital, due to lung cancer, we had social worker team involved with Mom's care package, we were told not to agree to Mom's discharge until every thing is inplace at her flat ie hospital bed,walker,oxygen. It sounds to me like there just letting Dad go home and for you to sort all his needs out, with this in mind i'm sure one of our experts on what your Dad can claim for will be able to advice you.
    I'm so sorry i can not help you, but i do feel for you, it's your Dad and you want to make sure he's safe. Good Luck with all x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    This may not be what you want to hear so apologise un advance 

    I'm also an amputee and was released from hospital after ot assessment into my home which had steps back and front so other than being carried in I was housebound . Had a commode in my lounge and bed moved into lounge 

    The house was classed as unsuitable but safe to return to . It was my own mortgaged house 

    I had to sell the house and not until it was sold was I allowed to bid on social housing.  I sold at well under market value this all took over a year until I was finally rehoused in a bungalow care of an amazing housing officer 

    Does you dad live in social housing or private rent or own his property 

    If he has financial stability could he private rent ? 

    If social housing talk to the housing team 

    Another source is shelter.the housing charity 

    I hope you get a solution but unfortunately I don't think there will be a quick solution 

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @June1953

    I am so sorry to hear about your father. We are here to help in any way we can. I have just moved your post to our Housing and Independant Living section, in the hopes somebody has some advice for you. It is unfortunately not something I know a lot about at the moment.

    One thing I can suggest is to look at our Aids, Adaptations and Equipment section, something could be suggested to help aid his transition whilst more suitable accommodation is being sorted. 

    I can see already, there are members of the community so willing to help and we are here if you need to talk. 

    Sending my best <3