Help. Does anyone know if I can get a hardship grant or loan today?



  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    I'm so sorry you are going through such a rigmarole with it all @louise_tivenan

    Do you have a forum or equivalent to a student union with the Open University? I'm wondering if they would have advice on who best to contact? 
  • louise_tivenan
    louise_tivenan Community member Posts: 25 Listener
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    It sounds like you are going through a really difficult time at the moment @louise_tivenan. I just want to reassure you that we are all here for you and with you.

    In terms of being in contact with the disability service at the Open University, the Open University has more information about disability support available here.

    In particular, the Open University outlines the contact details for disability support as follows:

    Disability Support Team

    For advice about the services and support available for students with a disability and/or additional needs.

    Telephone: +44 (0)1908 541082
    Mon to Fri 09:00 - 17:00
    Email: or, if you are an apprentice, 

    We do not recommend you sending us your supporting evidence by post as it could delay your request for disability support, however if you do need to use post, the addresses are:

    England and international students

    The Open University
    Disability Support Team
    Frank Henshaw Building
    Hammerwood Gate
    Milton Keynes
    MK7 6BY

    Students in Ireland

    Student Recruitment and Support Team
    The Open University
    110 Victoria Street
    BT1 3GN

    Students in Scotland

    Student Recruitment and Support Team
    The Open University in Scotland
    10 Drumsheugh Gardens
    EH3 7QJ

    British Sign Language users can contact us direct by using the online sign language interpreter service provided by Contact Scotland BSL.

    Students in Wales

    Student Recruitment and Support Team
    The Open University in Wales
    18 Custom House Street
    CF10 1AP

    Can I ask you what your DSA recommendations were? The support that is, temporarily, available whilst you wait for DSA will be dependent on what these DSA recommendations were. I can hear how important it is for you to receive support now that you have started your course.

    Funnily enough, social science is my background (other than education!). Is there a particular concept you are struggling to understand/are behind on? I often found YouTube very helpful for supplementing course content and aiding my understanding. 

    You mention you are still being refused by the university to access financial help. Can I ask what reason they give for this? I just want to make sure I hear you as clearly as I can. This will enable me, and us as a team, to support you the best way we can.

    You have been really brave reaching out to your tutor. I recognise the courage this takes. Please can I ask, is this a personal tutor or a module tutor? Your personal tutor will be able to support you with this, even if just signposting you to relevant people and services, but your module tutor will not be able to.

    You might also find this link about the Open University's payment, scholarships, bursaries and grants helpful. Unfortunately, I cannot copy and paste snippets because it says I need to sign in to view the relevant articles on the topic but you will, hopefully, be able to log in.

    I hope this is at least semi-helpful. Please don't hesitate to let us know if we can do anything else to support you  :)