Is it possible on the next assessment they'll take my mental health into account aswell as my lungs?

lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
edited November 2022 in Start here and say hello!
I was put on lcwra in 2019 because I had a lung operation i had a pip review by mail and was awarded it until 2028 are uviversal credit aware of that also since then I was moved to a ground floor house to help with my lungs im now on inhalers also and have depression and anxiety I've not been assessed since then and am worried with everything going on they'll make me fit to work is it possible on the next assessment they will take my mental health into account aswell as my lungs thanks


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    Reviews for the work capability assessment are still suspended. Your LCWRA is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise. When you have your next review when filling out the forms you need to tell them about all of your conditions.
    lennon88 said:
     had a pip review by mail and was awarded it until 2028 are uviversal credit aware of that

    Unlikely if you didn't tell them.

  • lennon88
    lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    OK thanks and do you know if they can  make a decision through the letter like pip as I'm nervous of talking to people I updated my journal about my mental health in February 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    As you have a journal then decision letters will be uploaded onto there. Once it's time for your review you will receive a letter on your journal telling you that they are referring you for the WCA and you will receive a form in the post. You will need to fill that in and return it with all your evidence.
    You may then need to attend an assessment which would either be face to face or telephone/video call.
  • lennon88
    lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    Appreciate the info and time 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Hi @lennon88 :) It sounds as though this is quite a stressful situation. 

    Are you receiving any support for your depression and anxiety at the moment?
  • lennon88
    lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    Hey there thanks for the time to be honest since they moved me into a flat and new Dr's it was out of sight out of mind sort of thing and no not really I'm getting the odd Dr consultation 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Has your doctor suggested anything that could help @lennon88? Different things work for different people, really :) 

    If you live in England, and think you might find talking therapy helpful, you could refer yourself through the NHS IAPT service.

    You can also find non-NHS organisations, groups, and events in your area by searching on the Hub of Hope.
  • lennon88
    lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    I have a phone consultation tomorrow with her so can talk then about that thanks I'm also confused about when my next assessment will be as they left an update in my journal saying I'm still on lcwra and they may phone me again that was in 2020 November so feel due another one soon and am constantly depressed stressed anxious and had a hard life I leave my house for essential only live in Scotland had a lung op after being in hospital for 6 months with chest drains I'm going crazy tbh
  • lennon88
    lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    I had the consultation the gp said I should phone a number to decide if I need pills or therapy it feels like you just get passed around nobody wants to deal with you up in Scotland and when I do have a wca il have nothing to show for myself except my lung surgery which was serious that was in 2019 and I'm on mirtazapine now for depression 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @lennon88

    I'm so sorry you feel like you get passed around :(  

    If it's ok to ask, do you have regular reviews whilst being on Mirtazapine? It may help to keep a little diary to keep track of if you think it's working for you or not. I can only imagine with your lungs and surgery, that medication may be a trial-and-error situation for you.

    I do hope you are able to find something, therapy isn't for everyone but with waitlist's I always say it's worth putting your name down as you may feel different about it when your turn comes round. 
  • lennon88
    lennon88 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    Hi thanks for the kind words I started the mirtazapine during the lockdown as I'd just had the lung surgery not long before it I told them in my journal but I haven't had a wca assessment since my first one they did say I was still on lcwra and they may fone its the not knowing that is stressing me out I'm gona try therapy if possible as I have alot on and the stress and anxiety it's causing is scary
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    lennon88 said:
     I'm also confused about when my next assessment will be as they left an update in my journal saying I'm still on lcwra and they may phone me again that was in 2020 November so feel due another one soon

    As i advised previously.
    Reviews for the work capability assessment are still suspended. Your LCWRA is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise.