workplace reasonable adjustments

alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
edited December 2022 in Work
In short, got a job in a school (school ran by local council so local authority), occupational health cleared me eventually given that I would have a couple of reasonable adjustments which the school were happy to provide (to list a couple theyre all along the lines of a chair so I can sit when working, not to be placed on residential school trips or ones involving a lot of walking and to be given a little extra time to process information/have things written down) I would have thought that given the OH works on behalf of the council that the council would agree. the council are saying that they might not allow me to take up the job as they "dont think they can provide those adjustments". I dont know what to make of it. I did a trial day there and was totally ok doing the job as its part time and not heavy workload its only of the only jobs ive been able to find that id actually be able to do. same thing happened to me when I tried to go to university and got denied interviews after they heard about my asd and medical problems. i cannot get through to the council to discuss it with them and ask them what exactly the problem is. anyone else been through something similar?


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Welcome to the community @AJ536R :) 

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had this experience! It's not something I've been through myself, but I'm hoping another member with experience of this will find and respond to your post soon. 

    In the meantime, you may find it helpful to read our information pages on discrimination at work, and reasonable adjustments.

    Have you been in touch with ACAS to discuss this at all?

  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    I was in contact with EASS as soon as I was told what was going on but they advised me that legally I can do nothing until I have something documented to me ie a letter or email from workplace or the council. Im hoping they wont do this to me as I know im not as able to work as a non disabled person would be but I really want to try and work. I had the same thing happen to me when I was doing ucas applications and was told I couldnt be offered a place because im a health and safety hazard. i will have a look at the links youve provided in the meantime thank you :)
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    I hope that you're able to find a way to move forward with this employer @AJ536R, as it sounds as though you're keen on the job! I hope that the links are helpful. It's great that you're getting support from EASS too. 

    If you do end up needing to seek alternative employment, you may also be interested in accessing one of our employment services :)

  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Just an update, HR have schedueled a meeting with the council people for Monday. I don't know whats going to happen and I feel like if the council were to decide that I canot work there that I would not be able to do anything after that I feel really powerless Im not even invited to the meeting. I tried to offer to apply for access to work if they were going to cite funding as their problem because that leaves them no choice but to either let me work or discriminate but it seems theyre finding a way around it im worried
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It sounds really difficult that you feel powerless @alyssajade230. Not least because you are not even invited to the meeting. 

    Hopefully, the meeting between HR and the council will be in your best interest, to find ways to support you. 

    However, I can hear your concerns. What, if anything, might help this to feel more manageable for you at the moment?

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if we can do anything to support you (and the outcome!). We are all here for you and listening to you  :)
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Will you be finding out the outcome of the meeting today @alyssajade230? I hope you're feeling okay- I can imagine it'd be really anxiety inducing. 
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Hi, I should have found out yesterday as the HR manager said she would contact me straight after meeting which was set for Monday Morning. I have heard absolutely nothing at all and its now tuesday afternoon. I sent her an email yesterday as I cannot get through on the phone at all - I think  she is working from home ? but no response to my email which is unusual as I usually have one the same day. I'm getting a bit worried that the council have tried to withdraw my job and the school are struggling to find a way to tell me but I've had no contact from anyone about it so far which is disappointing.
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Still have not heard a thing, I thought maybe they were having issues with their email service again as it would be odd to leave me in the dark about whats going on for more than a few hours nevermind 2 days! I tried calling the workplaces number and it just says "call failed" every time without even ringing. theres no issue on my end as I can make calls just fine so I guess I have no way of contacting them now.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    All seems very strange nor hoeing able to contact them would it be possible to visit the site 
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Im hoping they will just contact me back and spare me the energy of going 5 miles to the site. Last I heard from HR she said she was working from home but never said why/if it was just for a day or two or if she is working from home for an extended period of time now. When I managed to get calls through yesterday nobody picked up and I called at various times so I'm guessing shes not actually been in so if I go in it may  all be for nothing. I am going to send another email incase the first one wasnt received but its still odd if there is no email from her either
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @alyssajade230

    I'm hoping you hear back soon! I was just wondering if there someone at the council or school who may be taking and passing on correspondence to the HR woman who is working from home? May be a way to save you from having to go down there.
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    I'm going to try conatct the council again, last time I tried they said they couldnt really put me through to anyone who could deal with my case they could only put me through to occupational health which close really early i think 12.30 midday every day. Im going to see if theyll answer quickly now
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    This sounds really difficult @alyssajade230. We are here with you and listening to you. Have you had any updates yet? Wishing you the best of luck with this.

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if we can do anything to support you. You don't have to face this, or anything else, alone if you don't want to.

    Take care for now and we will look forward to, hopefully, hearing from you again soon  :)
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    theyve basically concluded that although I signed a contract (30 hours a week and there was no info on the contract about them being allowed to change it or not) and have said that I can work 9 hours a week then review in a few months or dont have my job. They now are not saying its a funding issue and are saying its a health and safety concern. theyve taken the OH;s report saying "she should not be left alone in the building" (a large building that has over 100 staff members and my hours mean I start later than majority of staff  and finish earlier  so there would never be a moment I would be alone) theyve twisted it and said that it means I cannot be left alone at work full stop  and basically need a babysitter which is not what they wrote on report. EASS have told me to raise a grievance but I just think if I do its going to mean that the HR department and senior staff are going to look down their noses at me or hate me for causing them extra work and trouble. I think I am going to contact my mp for support with this as I really am lost now as I didnt expect them to do this at all
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    I think ive done the wrong thing by saying yes to going in in January but I was so sared that if I said no it would mean I would no longer have a job
  • alyssajade230
    alyssajade230 Scope Member Posts: 21 Connected
    although just to add I ahve not signed anything other than the original 30 hour contract or had anything in writing this was all over the phone as per usual from them. i am going to request it all in writing tomorrow