Having a pet in future

Amazonianup Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
Hi all,
I have my secure tenancy finally and feel safer. I'm not well enough to have a dog at the moment but I would like one when I'm more able. My tenancy doesn't allow dogs but other social housing tenants have them on site. If I got one would housing association have a right to kick me out? One lady has lots of them in her 1 bedroom. I can't have people know my address or make friends I don't like people knowing my address. Will housing association give me permission on this basis if I make a case to them they let many neighbours break this clause and I would benefit from one? Or would I just be getting others in trouble?


  • Luchia
    Luchia Online Community Member Posts: 593 Empowering
    You would need to ask permission from the association, failing to do so could result in them forcing you to rehome the dog, they can even class it as a breach of tenancy and ask you to leave.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    I'd agree that speaking to them to ask whether you can have a pet might be the best route @amazonianup :) Is that something you'd feel able to do? 
  • Amazonianup
    Amazonianup Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Not at moment too much going on. One day I'd like to just seems unfair others would be allowed pets but icant.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    I found a page on the Citizens Advice website about renting and pets @Amazonianup, which you might like to read. 

    Yes, it'd seem unfair if others were allowed to keep pets, and you weren't! 
  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering
    I know you would like to get a dog eventually, @Amazonianup, but have you thought about getting something like a Hamster? Most Councils, or Housing Associations don't have a problem with these as they are caged. We have had a female Hamster for 18 months with no problems at all, and they do give a whole lot back if you are good to them. Ours, Dora, makes us laugh most days.

  • Luchia
    Luchia Online Community Member Posts: 593 Empowering
    It could be that the others don’t have permission either or they have asked for permission and it’s been granted, I wouldn’t mention it to the Association as if they don’t have permission it could cause you a lot of issues with your fellow neighbours.

    When you decide it’s time to get a pet you will definitely need to ask permission or risk a breach in tenancy which they would class as making yourself homeless on purpose.

    You will probably find that the association will allow you to have a pet if you can show you can care for it and it wouldn’t be a risk of damage to the property. 
  • Amazonianup
    Amazonianup Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Nice hamster. Maybe start small then ask for dog...
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Dora is wonderful @Siwheels73 :)
  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering
    @Tori_Scope, she sure is
     She doesn't like being handled much but she makes us laugh and gives us a sounding board when things are going rubbish.
  • Amazonianup
    Amazonianup Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    You can always make stuff for her like scenery or tube mazes. 
  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 754 Trailblazing
    edited November 2022
    @Siwheels73 The picture of the hamster is lovely. They do get used to being handled and make very good pets. I've had a few. Your Dora looks beautiful.

    @Amazonianup My local council allows pets, but I am not allowed to have one. I live in a purpose-built disabled persons flat and whereas other people in my block are allowed pets, I am not. This makes sense to me. I am prone to falling over and end up in hospital (the last time for the whole of February '22), so who would look after any pet that I had? So it could be that people on your estate are allowed pets, but because you are disabled they impose restrictions upon you. Obviously I do not know the ins and outs of your situation but I would definitely NOT break any terms of my tenancy agreement. I think that @Luchia has given very sage advice. I would not wish to have disputes with my neighbours and nor would I render myself intentionally homeless by breaking the terms of my tenancy (not that it is likely you would be evicted, but you never know).

    I have had dogs ever since I was a little boy (I am now retired). In 2011 my last dog died. I was seriously ill, had lost my business and had little income. I realised I could not afford another dog on all levels and accept this. Dogs come with a lot of responsibility and you need to make sure that any dog you home is going to be well looked after if you yourself cannot look after the dog.
  • Amazonianup
    Amazonianup Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    I wasn't registered disabled when I applied for tenancy the other tenants are on social and have pets. They are most likely breaking tenancy but blind eye is made. I just don't want the neighbour that's busy body to get me in trouble if I got dog or get others in trouble.
  • Luchia
    Luchia Online Community Member Posts: 593 Empowering
    I wasn't registered disabled when I applied for tenancy the other tenants are on social and have pets. They are most likely breaking tenancy but blind eye is made. I just don't want the neighbour that's busy body to get me in trouble if I got dog or get others in trouble.
    That’s definitely a big risk, you would be best asking for permission from the Association as failing to do so could breach the tenancy and would be classed as intentionally making yourself homeless if they ask you to get rid of the dog and you didn’t.

    You might find that association give you permission if you have been a good & responsible tenant, you may have to fill in some forms but if the property is suitable to have a dog then I can’t see it been an issue.