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PIP Journey - text “we have awarded you pip”

raven27 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
Hey guys, so I wanted to share my story and my experience with pip. this is my first time claiming pip so and I applied February 23rd using the online service which I must say is much easier to do as I could always go back and change what I had written until the deadline after that you can only send in extra evidence I believe - it you cannot gain access until you have called them to make your claim then request them to send you an online form. 

It took a while for me to actually get the form as they had to do some checks but I got sent the online form August 10th and sent it back August 23rd. I then received a text from Independent Assessment Services to let me they are managing my claim and will contact me if they need to have a consultation with me. Prior to this everyone had told me PIP was hard to get and I would probably be rejected the first time, I’ve had constant anxiety about it because my PIP form took so long to get sent out I kinda just gave up and didn’t really think about it only because I don’t like getting my hopes up. I had a paper based assessment so I was never invited for an assessment In my form I put them a letter from my key worker, doctors from the community MH team & prescriptions from the last few months of my medication I am taking.  I also explained the support that I need and why I need it. Honestly I didn’t think it would be enough and I thought I would have had to speak to someone and I have really bad anxiety so speaking about my condition can be really hard for me because it’s hard to explain what having BPD is like and how it affects you but it affects you in every way from washing, eating, dressing, going out, being social, journey inconveniences or going to unfamiliar places etc. 

November 4th I received a text saying they had received a written report. Monday 21st I received a text saying they had not made a decision and you can imagine the anxiety I was feeling!! November 24th a text saying we have awarded you pip! 

I still haven’t gotten the money yet, but when I do I can work out my award, I do need a lot of support so I hope everything was enough for them to award me what I am hoping for

 I do have a couple of questions for others who have received this text recently, and is still awaiting their back pay?

Does the cost of living payment come with the backpay? Or does it come separately? I applied February 23rd

When does PIP send the money?

thank you xx


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @raven27 and congratulations on being awarded PIP and for getting through this process :)

    It usually takes 3-5 days from the date of your award for you monthly payment to come through I believe. The CoL payment should be coming through separately.

    Thank you for sharing your PIP application journey with the community, I'm sure there are plenty of members going through similar situations.

    Let us know if you're still unsure about anything!
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  • raven27
    raven27 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    edited November 2022
    Thank you @Alex_Scope

    Now it’s just a waiting game to get my award letter and backpay. I’m glad to share my journey as I know we don’t hear many success stories. To everyone l thinking of claiming PIP or currently in the process don’t give up m. 

    Make sure to be honest, reading all descriptors and give real life examples. It doesn’t need to be loads paragraphs. It isn’t about the diagnosis but how the condition affects you and impact it has  on you leading full independent lives everybody is different and those who need that support definitely do deserve  it!! 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,506 Disability Gamechanger
    Thank you for sharing those tips with us @raven27! I'm sure they'll be really helpful to other members who are in a similar position :) How are you doing today?
    National Campaigns Officer, she/her

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  • raven27
    raven27 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Today I’ve been positive but I’ve still been a bit anxious to know what my reward is, it still feels unreal as I really need all the help and support I can get with my condition right now and this has definitely been a long process but worth it x
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,506 Disability Gamechanger
    That's completely understandable @raven27. I hope that you're able to take each day as it comes :) Be kind to yourself this evening.
    National Campaigns Officer, she/her

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