Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

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Hi, my name is Stave! Need some PIP Advice

Stave Community member Posts: 3 Listener
edited November 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I really need some advice 


  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,420 Disability Gamechanger
    Good morning @Stave welcome to the group.
    Ask away some one might have the answer.
  • Stave
    Stave Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    My husband has a video PIP assessment at one today and he is terrified he is going to mess it up again !! Tried 4 yrs ago and got 0 points,  appealed but got the same.he has rheumatoid arthritis as well as other issues. 
    He has been off work for nearly 12 weeks and is very depressed,  lost weight. 
    He started retreating into himself a couple of nights ago and Sunday had seriously low blood pressure I had to ring 111.
    Last night he was crying and just staring into space, repeating how useless he is. This is not the man I married 43yrs ago, he's always been my rock.
    I'm under the doctor with health concerns.  Yesterday  early evening my heart rate was 110.
    I'm making notes for him, but I can't do it for him.
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,420 Disability Gamechanger
    Bless you sounds like he's well winding himself up about his video assessment, it is a worrying time but all i can say is be truthful, remember it's not about the illness it's all about what you can and can't do and about any help you need to do things. Did he make a copy of his answers it might help to read through. Make sure you have every thing ready and he's comfortable were he is having the assessment, others may have other ideas for you, good luck from me.
  • Stave
    Stave Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    SueHeath , thank you for your kind words,  yes we have a copy of the form. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Stave

    Hope you are keeping well and welcome to the community. 

    I'm so sorry your Husband is going through that. How are you keeping? I don't know a lot about the process myself, but I've moved your post into our PIP, DLA and AA section in the hopes those with more knowledge will be able to help. 
    Hannah - She / Her

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