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Hi, new user! Had assesment and waiting..

regardedapple23 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
edited November 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA

Been looking on this forum for a few weeks whilst my pip claim has been processing

I did my assessment which was absolutely terrifying... Reading all the bad reviews of the assessors making mistakes and lieing and I even forgot to ask the assessor to record but I did record it myself

I got the assesment report back (cause even more anxiety) the form I sent in I did with a support worker and I felt she missed some bits but I just felt unable to send any more information as it all confused me, anyway on my assesment report I added up all points I had 19 daily living points and 10 mobility 

I understand the decision maker does not go off the report always and sometimes so against it so I'm just a bit worried... 

Recieved a text today (exactly 2 weeks after telephone assesment) saying no decision made yet so I'm still waiting 

Here's my time scale as I've been looking at others and feel mine may help others too!

I started claim July 15th
Telephone assesment was on 11th November
Text saying assessor report received 15th November
Text saying no decision yet 29th November



  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Thanks for sharing your timescale @regardedapple23 I'm sure a lot of people going through the same will find it helpful. 

    Well done for getting through the assessment, it can be pretty hard going, but you did it :)

    It's natural to feel a bit worried while your waiting, and remember you've done everything you need to. The decision maker will be looking at the report, but also your application form and any other evidence you've sent in, they'll be looking at everything to help decide. 

    It can take up to 12 weeks to get a decision letter, but hopefully it won't be a long wait for you. If you need anything in the meantime, please reach out, and we'll see if we can assist. 

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  • stephan41621536
    stephan41621536 Scope Member Posts: 18 Connected
    @Regardedapple123 l am in the same boat not going to ask for report as too anixious . The waiting is horrible isn't it l hope we both get good news 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Fingers crossed for you too @stephan41621536, we're here if you need anything!
    Online Community Coordinator

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  • stephan41621536
    stephan41621536 Scope Member Posts: 18 Connected
  • regardedapple23
    regardedapple23 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you @Alex_Scope !
    Just got my fingers crossed I do get daily living! Mobility I don't mind too much about, I'm just happy and grateful the assessor did understand my situation and did put things on the report correctly! :smile:

    And fingers crossed @stephan41621536 ! I think it's worth asking for the report because then you have it ready to make a mandatory reconsideration if you do disagree with anything but yeah I get where you're coming from, I was super nervous and kept stuttering and struggled just getting through security! 🤦 Glad I did it though! 

  • stephan41621536
    stephan41621536 Scope Member Posts: 18 Connected
    @regardedapple23 can you ask for the report after the decision been made and who do you ring to get it? You can never get though on the pip helpline.
  • regardedapple23
    regardedapple23 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    @regardedapple23 can you ask for the report after the decision been made and who do you ring to get it? You can never get though on the pip helpline.
    Yeah you can, I don't understand the whole process as my support worker helps me but I think people usually say to get the report before a specific time so you have enough time to argue against their decision if they don't pass you 

    And I called the DWP pip phone number, it took me about a hour to get through  
  • stephan41621536
    stephan41621536 Scope Member Posts: 18 Connected
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,275 Disability Gamechanger
    @regardedapple23 can you ask for the report after the decision been made and who do you ring to get it? You can never get though on the pip helpline.
    people usually say to get the report before a specific time so you have enough time to argue against their decision if they don't pass you 
    That’s not correct. There’s no timescales which you can request a copy of the report. You can request it at anytime.
    Even if you’re not happy with the decision concentrating wholly on the report when challenging the decision isn’t the best idea. Arguing about what was it wasn’t said will not get a PIP award.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
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