Personal Budget and Personal Health Budget???

ggloria007 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
I would be grateful if somebody explains to me (and others) what the Personal Budget and Personal Health Budget are. As a result of cancer I have had surgery, radiotherapy and chemo. Now on hormon tablets and inorvenose bone drugs. I am extremely fatigue and cannot do much of the housework. I share a house with my partner and i get lifts to the shopping centres but i am realying too much on him and others. I have be awarded PIP with both higher elements. However a nurse at the hospital suggested I look at Personal Budget with the local Council which I did earlier today. I looked at the web and the most usefull was info on:

I also called local council I am  not sure if the girl really understood but she said that there is a help in community (volunteers) who can do chores and shopping for me. She said as I can look after my own hygiene I do not class for care package... I fee extremely uncomfortable to use the help of others without paying them. Also my partner (we are not married) is already doing so much so I worry that our relationship might be jeoperdised by all the this. Would I be better to say that we just share house as there might be an expectation for my partner to do things for me... Is there a budget which I can apply so i can get money which could help me with domestic chores and shopping. Occasioanlly I have a cleaner by she is £15/h and I have her only once a month for 6 hours, but this is not sufficient. Any idea of what is avialable out there... 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    edited November 2022
    You will first need to refer yourself for a needs assessment from your local Authority.
    Once you do this an Occupational Therapist will visit you at home to complete the needs assessment. If it's determined that help can be given you will then be given a personal budget. Before this is done they will also do a financial assessment on you and this will determine how much you will need to pay towards any help you need.
    Also my partner (we are not married) is already doing so much so I worry that our relationship might be jeoperdised by all the this. Would I be better to say that we just share house as there might be an expectation for my partner to do things for me...

    No, you can't do that because that would be lying to them. You are living together as a couple.

  • ggloria007
    ggloria007 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    thank you for our reply. yes we might be a couple but we are not married, and if i die he will not inherit my part of the house. It doesnt feel right that it is expected to look after me, and that he does not have rights. (he has responsibilities but does not have rights) Am I missing something here... thanks  
  • ggloria007
    ggloria007 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    sorry forgot to ask; what is definition of "couple" and waht is the difference between couple and two people cohaviting together...  (in both cases, they have chore shares, can go on holidays and have disagrements 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    It doesn’t matter whether you’re married or not, you are living together as a couple. 
    To see if there’s any help with can offer you, you will need to refer yourself first. Although you’re living with your partner this doesn’t exclude you from receiving some help.