Riser recliner chairs

katwater51 Scope Member Posts: 41 Connected
Hello, I’d be grateful foe any advice/info/opinions on riser recliner chairs.

I’m just starting on a search for one and I’m a bit befuddled by the lack of information online.
a) there are plenty of smart websites but none of the companies seem to openly list prices - they want to send you a brochure or ring you. I can ring round some shops but Before I start speaking to salesman Id like to know what the lowest-highest price ranges are. I need to know a baseline. Anyone know?

b) Does anyone know if it matters if the shop you buy from is miles away (like the other end of the country) or as near as possible? I’m thinking of breakdowns and repairs.

c) does anyone know if guarantees are worth it, or whether it’s worth buying made in Britain. 
Thanks for any input! Kat


  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    What about looking for second hand? (Better for the planet and your wallet!) second hand and even free furniture is around,  (British Heart are good) 
  • desai786
    desai786 Scope Member Posts: 26 Listener
    Hi there
    We bought over 10 years ago from Singapore and it’s the Osim brand, and it’s still going strong 
    hope that helps

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I'm sure I saw some on argos website 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,617 Championing
    My Nan has had warranty repairs on hers twice in 3 years.  That does show that warranties are worth it (with some brands), but on the other hand I was expecting them to be more reliable in the first place!

    For a very rough ball park figure, you're looking at about £500 for a standard one.  Or around £800 for a bespoke one.  If you're particularly tall, or particularly short, then you will probably need a bespoke one.  Ideally, you'd need to sit in a few at shops to determine what is most suitable for you, though I appreciate that isn't always possible.