Autism and cptsd

just4once Scope Member Posts: 99 Contributor
Hi I have recently been diagnosed with both of these within a couple of months of each other I have had no guidance or support just been given way too many tablets but no trauma therapy I am really struggling with everything and social services alongside the local mental health teams don’t understand what I am experiencing every day if I had the money to pay for a cheap funeral at least it would stop everything tired of trying to get help and failing trapped like this with no way forward 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @just4once and thanks for reaching out yesterday. I'm so sorry to read how let down you feel about your mental health support, and that you feel trapped. 

    We'd like to support you as much as we can with this, so please keep an eye out for an email from with more information later today. 

    There is always support out there, and reaching out by posting on the forum is a really positive step. Please ask if there's anything we can do to help further.
  • just4once
    just4once Scope Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Hi there thank you I have responded with the relevant information via email it is extremely frustrating been past pillar to post when legally we are meant to receive  suitable services under public duty of care especially at the rate of wages paid to those meant to help us who struggle as fed up as I am i feel that I am keeping myself safe 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    You are welcome @just4once. It is the very least you deserve. I am glad to hear that, although things are really tough, you are keeping yourself safe.

    I can hear your frustrations in being passed from pillar to post. I can hear how you would benefit from more suitable services. 

    In an ideal world, what would suitable services look like for you at the moment? We are here for you and listening to you if you would like to share more with us   :)
  • just4once
    just4once Scope Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Idea world solutions
    For my legal rights to be upheld by local authority and NHS Wales I would love to have an MDT meeting in person as opposed to the professionals discuss the case at their meetings excluding me and making decisions about me This should not be allowed to happen in the first place .clear action plan
    Holistic therapy and mental well-being health care Stop with over medication it’s ridiculously dangerous and does nothing to improve my life
    technology support one of biggest problems because of all the legal work I have to do
    Practical support like a Pa helping me with going to events or activities