ESA SDP stopped

Peaches77 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi, my ESA has been paid today but it’s now £270.70 when it should have been £409.50. 

I have done a little research, it seems the amount deducted is how much I would  normally get for my Severe Disability Payment. 

A few months ago i filled out a new PIP form and had a text a few days ago saying it is being processed i have put my mom down as carer however she isn’t getting any care allowance and i am not on UC, and in fact my disability has in fact worsened so Im really  Confused as what’s going on or why it would have stopped. 

Does anyone know what may have happened? or if PIP is connected to ESA SDP in some way that it could stop SDP? 

Thanks 🙏 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,268 Championing
    SDP is linked to daily living PIP and living alone or classed as living alone, with no one claiming carers allowance or carers element of UC for looking after you. Putting your mum down as someone that helps you would not have stopped the SDP as she doesn't claim CA or Carers element for looking after you.
    If you haven't had an assessment yet for your PIP review then it's possible that it's ended BUT it may have been extended and the SDP was automatically removed from your PIP because they didn't update it. This happened to me last year. Of course this only only a guess and to know exactly why your SDP wasn't paid today then you'll need to ring ESA to ask. You may also need to ring PIP too, just incase a decision has been made on the review.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    Peaches77 said:
    .. i have put my mom down as carer however she isn’t getting any care allowance and i am not on UC, ..
    Is your mum on UC and now getting the carer element of UC? If so that would stop your SDP.