Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,277 Championing

    I second that hhhh Winston Churchill my dad looks like Winston Churchill straight up I dress him up in Winston entire and make out he's the ghost of number 10 ohhhhhhh you will all vacate number 10 immediately see I'm getting delirious now help

  • Middleton
    Middleton Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    no way the above has not played a major part in Starmers attack on the neediest. I always sensed it was coming!

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    hope so Catherine. We will know soon enough. I watch a short interview with Ellen Clifford last night on YouTube . She didn’t seem too concerned. I'm not really knowledgeable of her so maybe she’s that way inclined.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,277 Championing

    Starmers friend should get them a ticket to outer space I email Richard Branson and ask actually I go I live in out of Mongolia as far away as possible

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,277 Championing

    What about lwcra cuts ??????

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,277 Championing

    I watched a clip on parliament liz kendell made it sound so fair now I'm worried

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,277 Championing

    I don't trust a word they say what do they class as disabled

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 164 Empowering

    Feels like Labour is slowly unraveling their plans before the major announcement.Read here


    After reading this ,I am deeply distressed by Labour’s proposed reforms to disability benefits, which threaten to make life even harder for all of us . Personally me and my family are reliant on financial support due to multiple disabilities, many that are now become permanent caused by delay in accessing care and navigating our bureaucratic nhs systems and waiting list. My family or I did not choose to be in this position. The current system is already challenging to navigate, and reduction and further benefit loss will only add more stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.

    Liz Kendall claims that the most severely disabled will be protected, but who decides what qualifies as “severe” enough? Does she or the draconian Reeves/Starmer have any knowledge how disabilities affect people’s lives?The focus should be on fixing the NHS and reducing treatment delays, not cutting essential financial support. The reality is that these changes will push many into hardship, making it even harder for disabled people to survive, let alone thrive.

    What’s even more concerning is that there seems to have been little to no consultation with disabled people, charities, or advocacy groups. These reforms appear to be driven by an agenda to cut costs rather than genuinely support those in need. The government may save pennies, but at what human cost? Disabled people deserve a system that listens to them, not one that punishes them for needing support.

    It is disheartening to see Labour—traditionally a party of social justice—adopting policies that echo past Conservative cuts. These proposals risk repeating the same mistakes that have already led to suffering, destitution, and even increased mortality rates . We need a compassionate, evidence-based approach, not a system that ignores the voices of those it claims to help.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 165 Empowering

    Just listening to Ellen Clifford


  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor

    Is this what they suggesting may happen on BBC news?

    1. WCA to be scrapped on UC/ESA.
    2. A new health premium added to both but depends if you get Pip and linked?
    3. That Pip is to be tightened reassessed more often with many booted off it unless health condition is severe or unable to work under stricter rules.
    4. So in essence many booted off Pip as wouldn't get it and also kicked off Lwrca as didn't pass the new stricter Pip if not working.

    Would explain why pulling this dirty trick to cut down assessments for both with one the harder one to get Pip would determine if you capable for work or not for the other thus forcing many to look for work..… shocking comes to mind and no doubt many casualties.

  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Not much longer to go now, the anxiety this is causing is awful

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    link doesn’t work. Can give us a quick run down on what she’s saying please? I watched a clip of her yesterday and she didn’t seem that concerned imo , in fact I’m sure I heard her say she feels better after listening to Nick . Don’t know who Nick is or if I heard correctly as I’m hard of hearing and it was late

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    Wasn’t that another Tory idea ? Waste of an election. We still have Mel stride and sunak

  • Mysteriouskitten
    Mysteriouskitten Online Community Member Posts: 12 Contributor

    From what understood PIP has always been about how our conditions affect us. Its never even been a sickness benefit./out of work benefit. Will have to see how they are going to change it.

  • mawempathy
    mawempathy Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor

    If they link LCWRA and PIP and say you don't get PIP you don't get LCWRA either then I'm gonna be hundreds and hundreds of pounds short on my very basic expenses. And I know I'll be far from alone on this. This was originally the Tory plan btw.

  • Jamk85
    Jamk85 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Empowering
    edited March 18

    Pushing many people with mental health into work just wont work, labour have rushed these plans and it will end up falling flat on their face at the high court.

    Half of them make no sense either

    Not long befoire the green paper, will be intresting to see what actualy gets past by law.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Empowering

    I don’t see how they can ‘boot’ people off of PIP . They’ve already been clinically assessed by medical professionals. That’s a non starter IMO. Also how can they reassess folk on long term awards where the condition is not likely to get better or is chronic. Also unlikely to happen. I think it’s people on LCW or those on LCWRA.. who are not on PIP/ ADP that are most at risk. The solution is to get them hosp appointments for any ailments which are temporary or that they apply for PIP. Nefarious aspect is changes to eligibility for new claimants. PIP is notoriously hard to claim and get already. That’s where they hope to skim cash off and also the NEET group of 18-25 year olds. I feel so worried for them because some of them so ill but will be pushed into training or ridiculous jobs?

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 165 Empowering

    Ben Claimant Ellen Clifford Benefit Cuts mostly how Labour knew that ppl would self harm etc but didn't care and fought her in Court. It's a recap of what she has been though and how ruthless Labour party have been and that they even had something in place for if they lost in Court and next day went into action.


  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    So will prospective changes come into place at once?, I am on esa and pip with a payment due tomorrow. Do changes have to go through court first?

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,430 Championing

    Stop worrying - nothing will change for months, if not years - this is only speculation anyway

    And yes - any changes will have to go through BOTH houses in parliament first

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