Read me! Motability and Blue Badges

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
This is our new category on motability and blue badges, we have lots of information on the main website here.


Motability enables disabled people to use their Government-funded mobility allowance to lease a new car, scooter or powered wheelchair. Motability can sometimes help with the cost of driving lessons for disabled people under 25. There are criteria that you must fulfil to qualify - contact Motability for more information.

Blue Badges

The Blue Badge scheme helps you park closer to where you're going. Contact your local council about disabled parking spaces.

Read Disability Rights UK factsheet on blue badges.

hands holding a blue badge

Disabled motoring - further information

If you have questions, queries or general chat about Motability, disabled motoring or blue badges, then post in this category.

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  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Please note that if you have a blue badge they no longer let you know when it's due for renewal.

    I found this out the hard way and got a ticket so wish to create good karma by telling you all so you don't come out of the aquarium all happy to find you've got a parking ticket
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Yes, the renewal date is 9n the front of the badge in massive letters..... Yeah yeah.... I am a wolly 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Why would they, the expiry date is printed on the front for all to see. You can’t miss it every time you put it on the dash board of the car when you we park. We all well most of us have smart phones so use the calendar to put a reminder on the phone to renew your badge, simple mine is due in September but on the case already.
  • Ellieminx
    Ellieminx Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I am really struggling to fill in my blue badge form. They want so much information about my treatments that I just don't have anymore. I don't keep that stuff cos after 22 years of being I'll, I just had too much of it around the house. Plus I have moved a lot and mislaid the more current stuff. What do I do? Am I likely to get turned down for it? 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited June 2019
    Hello @Ellieminx   Pleased to meet you welcome.

    Sorry to hear your having problems with your form for blue badges.

    I am one of the team of community champions. We guide, advise and help new members who join.

    In response to your question. I would speak to CAB. I used them before myself for forms.

    Have a wealth of knowledge, expertise.

    Also recent announcements for new criteria eligibility. Might be worth speaking to them as well about that.

    New rules come in force regarding invisible illness and certain conditions. Such as mental health.

    Please can I also add. I would think positive.

    I believe you can appeal any decision not too sure on that you could speak to CAB.

    Please if we can help with anything. Please ask.

    Some one will know from our community or a member of our team.

    Please take care.


  • MsMollyOHara95
    MsMollyOHara95 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I haven’t see anywhere that says “Motability can sometimes help with the cost of driving lessons for disabled people under 25.” I am going to call them tomorrow because that’ll be super helpful once my mobility car comes in. Thank you for sharing 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    How'd you get on with this @MsMollyOHara95?
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    I thought others might be interested that  in Wales you can apply for a temporary 12 month blue badge if not in receipt of PIP.  I applied for one for my husband with a letter from his medical team to say he had sustained a spinal injury had to wear a back and neck brace for 12 weeks and would benefit from a blue badge.  The LA wanted the letter to specify that the disability would last at least 12 months but they didn’t want to say that as they injury is permanent but recovery can vary and it was too early to tell so were silent on it.  They accepted the letter and issued badge.  When the 12 months was approaching I asked about renewal but they said you can only have one discretionary badge and that he had to be in receipt of PIP.  So we had to go down the PIP route.  
  • skullcap
    skullcap Posts: 165 Contributor
    griff11 said:
      When the 12 months was approaching I asked about renewal but they said you can only have one discretionary badge and that he had to be in receipt of PIP.  So we had to go down the PIP route.  
    Well that is one sure and certain way of making sure that only the ones with a genuine issue get a badge. No PIP, No Blue Badge.
    Over here in England they seem to issue them like confetti given the number that I see being used. Sometimes I am shocked to see so many cars parked up at night outside the cinema and theatre with a Badge on display.  I do have an issue with how Wales issues them, what happens to a 70 year old that really needs one but has never claimed DLA or PIP? 
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    I believe L.A. can do an assessment if you have medical evidence which does not include GP letter .  So as you say more senior members of society who may have a variety of age related health issues which severely restrict mobility may not be under specialist care will struggle to be issued a BB.   I did apply for blue badge renewals on the discretionary grounds below but they said no only 1issued on these grounds then it’s PIP only.  They were nice and sympathetic but said those are the WG rules but I see nothing about 1 only!

    From my L A website :

    For a Blue Badge application with further assessment:

    When we make a decision about whether you are entitled to a Blue Badge, we look at all your circumstances. This will include:-

    • Your condition and how it affects your mobility
    • The medication you take
    • The treatment you are receiving from healthcare professionals
    • Any services you access due to your condition
    • Any adaptations made to your home to help you cope with your condition

    We will need to ask for evidence about your condition/illness. We will ask you to provide this unless we are able to obtain what is needed from information already held by the council. We hope to do this in as many cases as possible to speed up the application process for our customers.

    Please note: If we do ask you for supporting evidence, any fee you may have to pay to obtain that evidence cannot be paid by us.

    • Your condition and the treatment you receive
      • Providing proof - bring/send us a document issued by a health care professional confirming they are treating you for the condition that affects your ability to walk.

    The healthcare professional could be, for example, a consultant, pain clinic or district nurse (but not your GP).
    The letter could be, for example, an appointment card or care plan.

    • Your medication​
      • Providing proof - bring/send us a copy of your latest prescription.
    • Services you access
      • Providing proof  - for any services not provided by the Council, bring/send us an official document from the provider showing what services they supply you with. For example, if you pay for care yourself, from anyone other than Social Services, you will need to provide evidence from the care provider.
    • Adaptations made to your home
      • Providing proof - for any adaptations not undertaken by the Council, bring/send us the invoice for the work that was carried out.

  • skullcap
    skullcap Posts: 165 Contributor
    griff11 said:
    I believe L.A. can do an assessment if you have medical evidence which does not include GP letter .  So as you say more senior members of society who may have a variety of age related health issues which severely restrict mobility may not be under specialist care will struggle to be issued a BB.   I did apply for blue badge renewals on the discretionary grounds below but they said no only 1issued on these grounds then it’s PIP only.  They were nice and sympathetic but said those are the WG rules but I see nothing about 1 only!

    From my L A website :

    For a Blue Badge application with further assessment:

    When we make a decision about whether you are entitled to a Blue Badge, we look at all your circumstances. This will include:-

    • Your condition and how it affects your mobility
    • The medication you take
    • The treatment you are receiving from healthcare professionals
    • Any services you access due to your condition
    • Any adaptations made to your home to help you cope with your condition

    We will need to ask for evidence about your condition/illness. We will ask you to provide this unless we are able to obtain what is needed from information already held by the council. We hope to do this in as many cases as possible to speed up the application process for our customers.

    Please note: If we do ask you for supporting evidence, any fee you may have to pay to obtain that evidence cannot be paid by us.

    • Your condition and the treatment you receive
      • Providing proof - bring/send us a document issued by a health care professional confirming they are treating you for the condition that affects your ability to walk.

    The healthcare professional could be, for example, a consultant, pain clinic or district nurse (but not your GP).
    The letter could be, for example, an appointment card or care plan.

    • Your medication​
      • Providing proof - bring/send us a copy of your latest prescription.
    • Services you access
      • Providing proof  - for any services not provided by the Council, bring/send us an official document from the provider showing what services they supply you with. For example, if you pay for care yourself, from anyone other than Social Services, you will need to provide evidence from the care provider.
    • Adaptations made to your home
      • Providing proof - for any adaptations not undertaken by the Council, bring/send us the invoice for the work that was carried out.

    That's a brilliant system and will no doubt weed out those that try to pull a fast one in trying to get hold of a Blue Badge.
    England should copy that method of working.
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 739 Connected
    skullcap said:
    That's a brilliant system and will no doubt weed out those that try to pull a fast one in trying to get hold of a Blue Badge.
    England should copy that method of working.
    I have no idea of the actual number of BB that are being used by friends/family etc.
    What I can say is that I am aware of at least 6 BB holders in my town that regularly allow friends and relatives to use them for their own benefit. The one that hits my top 6 is a guy who works in London but lives over 80 miles away, parks his car in the Disabled bay of the railway station 5 days a week and because a BB is on display he avoids all parking charges. The same individual then uses it to park on double yellows at the weekend. The worse part of this is that the BB belonged to his grandmother who died earlier this year. Then we have one of our local drug dealers and addict who managed to get PIP because he could hardly walk anywhere as he was so addicted to prescription drugs that he used to get lost when outside. The third is a well known family consisting of 3 daughters and 2 sons who all 'borrow' mums BB if any of them go out.
    You will never be able to stop people like these three no matter how hard you make it to get PIP.
  • anawilliam850
    anawilliam850 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Connected
    Thank you for providing this information about Motability, the Blue Badge scheme, and resources for disabled motoring. It's important to ensure that disabled individuals have access to the information and resources they need to make the most of their mobility options and live independently. If anyone has any questions or needs further information about these topics, they can post in this category for support and guidance.
  • MarieBarl
    MarieBarl Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    I am looking at renewing our half price car tax. I need to fill in a V10 and include an MOT certificate among other things. Our certificate was issued online last year, do I need to get a paper copy? Last year we paid and I got a refund so it wasn't an issue.

    Hoping someone knows!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    MarieBarl said:
    I am looking at renewing our half price car tax. I need to fill in a V10 and include an MOT certificate among other things. Our certificate was issued online last year, do I need to get a paper copy? Last year we paid and I got a refund so it wasn't an issue.

    Hoping someone knows!

    You will need a paper copy of the MOT certificate.

    How to claim

    You must include the following with your application:

    • a letter or statement from the Department for Work and Pensions that shows your PIP rate and the dates you’re getting it - if you’re getting PIP
    • an ADP decision letter from Social Security Scotland that shows your mobility component rate and the dates you’re getting it - if you’re getting ADP
    • the vehicle log book (V5C)
    • a V10 form
    • an original MOT or GVT certificate (if your vehicle needs one)
    • a cheque or payable order (made out to ‘DVLA, Swansea’) for 50% of the full rate of car tax for the vehicle
    • an insurance certificate or cover note (if you live in Northern Ireland)

  • MarieBarl
    MarieBarl Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    @poppy123456 yes, I was thinking that would probably be the case. I will need to organise that somehow- maybe do the MOT early with someone who will do that. I had to wait for a reissued copy of my PIP notice last year as they need the originals. I have everything else, though. 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,805 Championing
    MarieBarl said:
    @poppy123456 yes, I was thinking that would probably be the case. I will need to organise that somehow- maybe do the MOT early with someone who will do that. I had to wait for a reissued copy of my PIP notice last year as they need the originals. I have everything else, though. 
    You can have an MOT done at any time throughout the year. 

    If it's within 30 days of the expiry date then the next years expiry date will remain the same.  If it's more than 30 days before expiry then the date of this years test becomes the new expiry date for next year.
  • MarieBarl
    MarieBarl Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    You can have an MOT done at any time throughout the year. 

    If it's within 30 days of the expiry date then the next years expiry date will remain the same.  If it's more than 30 days before expiry then the date of this years test becomes the new expiry date for next year.
    Thank you. I am more concerned that none of the local garages offer paper MOT certificates. The advice says an original certificate must be included. If we renewed online paying the full price, the situation does not arise, but then I have to immediately apply for a refund and a resumption of disabled status which is silly. I will give the niice people at the DVLA a call on Monday and see what they say. You nnrver know, they may accept a printed out copy of the online certificate. One can only hope.
  • Brenda1946
    Brenda1946 Scope Member Posts: 57 Contributor
    I have posted my renewal form for my badge but filled in the wrong section so it got rejected and told me to reapply under the walking section which there is no heading for, which my husband did on my behalf with the help of one of the Blue Badge helpers.  I received a new ref. no.  The problem now when i try to find out how far they are with it it just says pending, how can i find out if i still qualify?
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @Brenda1946 I think you'll have to speak to someone directly to find out. 

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