
maggie46 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
I was wondering if anyone can help me my partner is in a wheelchair and the house we are in is not suitable he can't access the toilet or kitchen and I have to lift his wheelchair up and down the stair's and I have medical conditions and not to lift anything heavy was wondering if you can tell me if there is anyone or organization that could give me advice thanks in advance

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  • Sue52
    Sue52 Online Community Member Posts: 77 Contributor
    Hi @maggie46

    Nice to meet you. There is some great advice on here.
    i would like to say that IF you are a Social housing tenant, you can talk to them about adjustments. That is what I did and they made alterations in my bathroom ( trying to get in and out of bath when I get a flare up was horrendous). 
    You could also request a Occupational Health Advisor to come out and make a assessment. 
    Sorry I could not of been more help, but there are many skilled people on here that I am sure can advise you further
    Happy Valentine's Day 
    best wishes 
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @maggie46

    Please see my response to your previous posts relating to  this query


    It's appears that you are already doing what is possible to resolve your housing situation and to be honest I'm not confident that there would be anything further that an advice agency would be able do or say to assist.

    However, if you are seeking a disabled peoples advice service in your local area popping your postcode into the Service Directory may help you in identifying somewhere:


    otherwise the main national advice organisation specific to housing advice is Shelter:

    https://england.shelter.org.uk  Although when the housing query relates to the needs of a disabled person we find that the Shelter advisors will often signpost people to the Scope Helpline: 0808 800 3333 (weekdays 9-5, closed weekends and bank holidays) or email: helpline@scope.org.uk

    Best Wishes


  • AndrewAddis
    AndrewAddis Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    hi I need hel5 as Iam a left leg amputee and the three bedroom house Ian in is to big and had a very large garden as I would love to down size to a two bedroom flat or bungalow but my landlord is making up so many excuses and it feels like they are penalized me for losing my left leg thanks
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hi @AndrewAddis
    Thanks for your post. To target my advice more accurately I need some more information to better understand your situation.
    • What sort of landlord do you have?council/housing ass./private
    • Did you formally approach your landlord with your request to downsize? if so, roughly how long ago? You said they made 'excuses' what exactly is your landlord saying? 
    • Does your landlord have other more suitable properties? and are they currently vacant?
    • Are you a tenant in 'good standing' i.e. no arrears, complaints from neighbours etc?
    If you would be more comfortable answering these questions by email  you can email helpline@scope.org.uk marking your email F.A.O. Jean 
    Best Wishes
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    Sometimes there are simple solutions that can make life easier. If, for example, you have problems moving a wheelchair up and down stairs why not pick up a cheap second hand one and leave it upstairs? If in council housing then contact either the Council's Housing Department or try Occupational Therapy. If private;y renting then move at the end of the contract or discuss with the landlord about moving sooner, some may be open to the idea. Thinking outside the box can often be a good thing.

  • AndrewAddis
    AndrewAddis Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    hi i am with a housing association no rent arrears and no complaints etc its a mutual exchange for a two bed room flat as i need to be on one level and i have a very big garden with i can not do  we have being trying move for about four months as every time we go to speak to them and we don't get the same person then we get told different information every time we go to see them one that i can go there as no wet room but my it has told i can use a bath now because i have adaptions done they said the other tenants need medical  letter to prove that his elderly mum needs  these witch he can  provide this and they said because i have the adaptions done that  i can not move until i pay for them but i contacted the company who done this and they said take no  notice as its a load of rubbish its unreal what they are saying far as i am concerned they are trying everything to stop  it going ahead as i have provided so  much medical evidence for them as its getting me  down and very depressed  thank you

  • AndrewAddis
    AndrewAddis Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    edited June 2018
    hi jean is it possible that you can contact them on my behalf as i rearly apreciate it very much 
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hi @AndrewAddis
    Sorry I am unable to do individual casework/advocacy. However I will try to email you later in the week with some tailored advice. In the meantime I would suggest that you delete/amend the post you just made as community members are discouraged from posting personal email addresses. Thanks

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