Home Owner stuck in unsuitable house

jennypom Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
hi all,

I’ve had a mortgage for 7 years on my own and only very recently became very poorly. I’ve fallen seriously down the stairs twice, breaking ribs and knocking  self out. There is no way to adapt the stairs to fit a stair life in as it’s not big enough. I am really scared that I’m going to do some serious damage to myself at some point as the house is really no longer suitable for my needs. I’m constantly nervous and worried I will fall and hurt myself even further. 

Ive fallen out of the bath as I don’t have a walk in shower and again it’s not suitable to change either. 

Ive had a huge drop in wage - I now only work 2 days a week, where as 
i was full time. Be applied for pip but am aware this won’t help in getting a better mortgage. 

Is is there anyway I can get any help in moving? Or am I stuck in an unsuitable and potentially dangerous home?



  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Hi. I'm in a similar situation as a home owner with a mortgage and I had to stop work about 9 years ago. I struggle to maintain the home financially, physically and mentally but can't see another option where I can live in a cheaper or rented property.. So I've had no choice but to keep managing. Luckily I am in a flat so I don't need to move for health issues like you. I assume that you have had an occupational therapist out to assess your needs? If not you should do so  You may be able to get a home carer to help you with personal care like bathing. Also they can put in an alarm so that if you fall you can get help. I know you really want to move but that's a major step and would involve lots of work and you may need help with that.,On another note, my factor is a housing association and they were interested in buying the owner flats where I live but the offer was too low for me. So perhaps that's an option for you.. For me to sell and move to rented accommodation would be a massive and stressful upheaval and it just seems too much right now. Plus if you are on benefits which is now universal credit,,I don't think you get housing benefit anymore so you would need to seek advice from welfare rights or cab. I won't be able to get a mortgage now as I currently work part time anyway. So it's hard to think about how to transition from a mortgage to renting a home. Hope you get some help here..
  • JCC
    JCC Online Community Member Posts: 38 Contributor

    One option may be to contact your local authority housing department and explain the situation you are in.  Although you are buying your home they may be able to assist you with finding alternative adaptations that may not yet have come to light.
    Some authorities can also consider an application for more suitable housing based on a needs assessment carried out by the social services of that authority.
    It is worth a phone call to find out.  Best wishes

  • jennypom
    jennypom Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    thanks dor for your replies so far!! I’m on the wait list for occupational health assessment but it’s currently almost a year (!!!) in my area. I will defiantly try and call gain as I’ve only just had my most recently fall.

    it has been incredibly stressful especially as I was so proud of my little home and now I just feel trapped and scared. I’m hoping something I’ll turn up as you rightly said the stress involved in moving and buying a new home is huge! 

    Its a catch 22!
  • JCC
    JCC Online Community Member Posts: 38 Contributor
    From April this year you can no longer receive housing benefits payment towards a mortgage. Instead I understand that can apply for help but now it will be in the form of a loan.  However, as Debbiedo49 stated it would be well worth contacting CAB or Welfare Rights to clarify. 
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Thanks for sharing this with us @jennypom, and I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. You've had some good advice from our community members, and it may also be worth getting in touch with the housing charity Shelter too.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited January 2019
    Receiving housing benefit for a mortgage has never been possible. To receive the loan towards the mortgage you must be claiming a means tested benefit like ESA, JSA, Income Support or Universal credit for at least 6 months.

    @jennypom this is a very difficult situation because you have the mortgage and your local council most likely won't rehouse you because of this. Maybe selling your home and getting another that's more suitable is an option for you? I don't know your full situation, so it's difficult to advice. I hope you find a solution soon. Good luck.