World Theatre Day tomorrow - what is your favourite play?

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
I present a radio show on BBC Radio Sheffield called Nowt So Strange As Folk, this week we are celebrating World Theatre Day by chatting with the lovely Pippa about accessible theatre.

Pippa worked with us here on the community before moving on to pastures new, but she also writes a blog called Life of PIppa about chronic illness, life, accessible theatre and more.

You can listen in this Wednesday evening from 7-9pm but I would love to know what is your favourite play or theatre performance and I will read out as many as I can :)


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @Sam_Scope Thank you for sharing this.

    Some of my favourite performances have been musicals.

    Like Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream coat.

    With Jess Conrad.

    Rocky Horror Show. Audience get dressed in certain attire, eye opening. Any one for the Time warp ?

    Some Like It Hot with Tommy Steele. Based on the stage play and film. Added music from the film.

    Buddy The life of Buddy Holly dancing in the aisles.  Every one did.

    Are You Lonesome Tonight Story of Elvis . Poignant.

    Godspell   Heart-breaking, emotional . The story of Jesus.

    Add to that local theatre group where I used to live did musicals.

    Oklahoma, My Fair Lady, High Society, Guys and Dolls.

    Great songs and dancing.

    Take care.


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    I have only seen 2 live which were Joseph and the Amazing technicolour dreamcoat and Godspell which both had Stephen Gately as the leading actor. Absolutely loved both and was lucky enough to meet him too :)
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    I haven't been to the theatre or seen a play for a good twenty years so can't comment with my favourite, but I'll be using these suggestions as recommendations!
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Tell a lie, I saw Peppa Pig's Surprise at the Phoenix Theatre in London, but I'm not sure that counts  :D
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I LOVE Les Mis and Hamilton! And last week I went to see a Sheffield play called Standing at the Sky's Edge based on the music of Richard Hawley and that was amazing!!!
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Did you go for yourself or the kids? ? To be fair, I went to see Bob the Builder and Tweenies live when I was little - not sure if they count but they were so much fun!
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hamilton, but the tickets were bought before the prices got rediculous. Still was a great evening.

    Bat out of Hell, though still can't listen to Paradise by the Dashboard Light  without seeing the bright pink posing pouch!

    Saw Blue Man Group a few years ago, and this is a show I would happily recommend to anyone. Theatre at its very best.

    Finally, but not least, Stomp. Fantastic evening of music, dance and comedy.